
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 08:53:58
“I am the happy man! She wants to ask someone to pierce her ears [改为同义句] She wants to [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]. --mike,someone wants you on the phone --_____?but no one knows I am here.A.Who B.Whom C.I D.me upside down upside down这首歌的中文意思 寻歌名:其中有歌词when you told me you love me.when you let me believe .when you told me you love me.when you let me believe . when you told me you love me铃声when you told me you love me~我很喜欢这首歌!可惜自己找不到!我的手机是三星的!三星手机前两秒声音超小的!希望哪位好心的朋友给我截个高潮部分的!而且高潮前面得多 Linda had a little accident yesterday.when she was walking along a river,求以这个看头的阅读短文英语 she bought a nice sweater in green.这个句子中有什么错误么?bought 后用不用加s?哦---过去式不加s?----为什么啊-- Linda's parents died when she was a baby and wasLinda's parents died when she was a baby and was brought up by her aunt .这句话有没有语法问题?需不需要在第二个was前把she补上? 初三英语填空,用both and,either or,not only but also,neither nor填空My mother told me tomatoes are____ fruit____ vegetables. 惠普打印机出现face down in feeder,zhen pass 打印机出现face down in feeder,then press ok是什么故障,无法打印,无法传真. what a nice picture of a house.it would be ( )with some green trees around it.a.good b.better c.worse 惠普4255打印机出现place alisn pase face down on feeder是什么意思,怎么处理? 怎样改英语句子中的错误 what a nice a picture ( ) nice the picture is A.How B.what C,What 1913年用英语能读成one nine one three吗?我听有人把in 1913年读做 in one nine one three,能这样读吗? 什么英文单词(数字的如one two three )倒读和正读一样? 一打一 的英文怎么拼来着?读 万摆万 的那个英文 one 摆 one 30分求秒 Is this your mother的肯定回答是什么 美国总统和他的家人住在白宫里英语()()()()()()with his family lives in the white house if i were a tear in your eyes ,i would fall down on your lips,kissyour but if you were a tear in my eyes,i will never cry because afraid of losing you. The old woman lives ( ) a house ( ) a garden.A.in;and B.on;with C.in;with D.with;in can you say the number ( ) one and three in english 括号中应填什么单词 If I am a man 蜘蛛侠 SPIDER MAN怎么样 请问您的手机弄好了吗,我的手机也是一直出现Downloading Do not turn off target ,我该怎么办 Spider-Man Web of Shadows 蜘蛛侠3按走路键无效但是暗ESC就都可以用了谁知道怎弄啊告诉我哈Spider-Man Web of Shadows不能动刚开始就不能动了谁知道怎弄告诉我哈谢谢那个差了一些情况刚开始不是会有 I turned the world upside down in order to uphold your inverted image是什么 Dick,your father has returned home and hopes you will be back this evening.That's great.I thought he____tomorrow.A.was arriving B.will arrive C.is arriving D.arrives I love green trees(trees green love i)这是魔兽争霸中demon hunter的一句台词为何有人说这句话很粗暴!这句话在西方到底是什么意思?你别告诉我这句话的意思是:“我爱绿树啊”我只有最后的5分了!