
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 09:09:06
几个英语句子改错1.When I add up all the eggs,I found that one was lost2.Ignored what others said and go on with your job3.There have been a series of accidents at this crossing recently4.Tom Hanks told his teacher that he had been born in 198 如果f(0)=a不等于0,函数f(x)可以是奇函数吗,可以是偶函数吗 为什么奇函数 f(0)一定等于0?而偶函数不能? 1.如图,一条街道的两个拐角△ ABC与△BCD均为150°,街道AB与CD平行吗?为什么? 若a大于0,且a不等于1,F(x)是偶函数,则函数g(x)=f(x)*log a^(x+√x^2+1)是 A奇函数B偶函数C非奇非偶函数D奇偶性与a的具体值有关 f(x)=1/x(x不等于0)是什么函数奇函数偶函数 扁形动物的生活习性、特点和用途是什么急求~~~~~~~~~~~~~! 从生活方式的不同来解释扁形动物3个纲在形态结构上的差异. 原生动物,腔肠动物,扁形动物,线形动物,环节动物,非种子植物,种子植物的形态,结构和功能求求大家能帮我解决只要回答非种子植物,种子植物的形态,结构和功能就行了 形容认真思考的成语 扁形动物的种类急,跪求.快 形容同学们尽力思考有哪些成语 形容“深入的思考”的成语 形容思考之后再行动的成语?有一个“而”字和“行”字 形容深入而反复地思索考虑的成语啊~ 几个英文句子改错1.In this camp,I met many new friends who were from different backgrounds.2.Although we might felt tired during some games,we really enjoyed them.3.Undoubtedly,you and I come to here for academic purpose.4.For example,learning 如图,一个弯形管道ABCD的拐角∠ABC=120°,∠BCD=60°,这时说管道AB‖CD对吗?为什么? (初一下册数学题谁会) 如图,一个弯形管道ABCD的拐角,角ABC=120度,角BCD=60度,这时说管道AB平行CD,为什么? 如图一个弯形管道ABCD的拐角 一个弯道abcd的拐角 角abc=120度 叫bcd=60度 这是说管道ab平行cd 是根据快 快 如图一个合格的弯形管道ABCD需要AB边CD边平行观测的某个管道的拐角角ABC=120度,角BCD=60度这个管道符合要求吗? 同济6版高等数学第87页第11题:如果f(x)为偶函数,且f'(x)存在,证明f'(x)=0.题目就是这样的.要怎么证 高数题:设函数f(x)的定义域为(-l,l),证明必存在(-l,l)上的偶函数g(x)及奇函数h(x),使得f(x)=g(x)+h(x) 为什么G(x)为偶函数,H(x)为奇函数? 动物分类除了要比较外部形态结构外.往往还要比较动物内部结构和_____ 脑与脊髓相连的部位是_________.此结构的生理作用是__________. 下列关于动物形态结构特点的叙述,错误的是A.鲫鱼身体呈流线形是其对水生生活的适应B.具有角质的鳞是蛇适应陆地生活的重要特征C.身体分头、胸、腹三部分是节肢动物的共同特点D. 如图所示,一条街道的两个拐角,角ABC与角BCD均为150°,街道AB与CD平行吗?为什 如图所示,一条街道的两个拐角,角ABC与角BCD均为150°,街道AB与CD平行吗?为什么? 简单英语句子改错To be an adult is not to be subordinated to elders for no reason, but to endeavor to find and get that l really need without disturbing and hurting the people who love me. 英语句子改错~~~很简单1.My parents are going on invitation the day before tomorrow.2.My brother is studying for math test. 1.Finally,the thief handed everying which he had stolen to the police.2.In the dark street ,there wasn't a single person whom she could turn for help.3.The person to who you spoke is a student of Grade One.4.The weather turned out to be good,it was m 英语单句改错.单句改错.不是翻译哦.1.The few survived human beings are all strong young men.2.Can you dream your future 3.They brought the treasure back by the force.4.The plan can be come up with at the meeting.5.They won the other team