
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:00:33
dogs can be d( ) if they are sick. 1.They can't be quarreling now,___they 答案是are,为什么不能填can?我也见过很多填can的情况啊?2.You didn't go to the party yesterday ,or I ___you .A.would see B.could see C.might have seen D.might see我选的A.其实我也很纠结B the light is out. they can not be working now.为什么用be working 呢?是虚拟语气嘛? i love you more thhan i can speak out什么歌 我打扰你吗?英文是am i disturb you? 对吗? 文言文解释:当“乎”为介词,相当于"于"时,给出例句.当“为”解释为“被”时,给出例句当“乎”为疑问词,给出例句。只要这一个了 孩子树 HAIZI SHU怎么样 email怎么shu there was a river nearby,什么some tall tree around health care provider是什么意思 health care industry是什么意思 health care products是什么意思 试题中,2 weeks__is__not enough for me to finish the job.为什么2 weeks是复数 而谓语动词是is?此类题目如何判断谓语动词? 1 Come back,so we can be young men together again 2 ok,take me to your heart please 求翻译 Can I know () your day ,please?A.about B.onCan I know () your day ,please?A.about B.on C.in D.for 上学迟到,英语该怎么回答? 上学迟到的英语 i know we We cant be together again but i still miss u alot 瓶内盛不同高度的水,敲击时,产生不同的音调原因是什么 理直气和是一个成语吗? 上学迟到 英文 Sally is looking at a big ship.为什么要用at? 英语语法请教i look at he is tiredi look at he is tired 我看他很累, 求电子琴从左到右的声调排序. 电子琴怎么变化音调及响度 电子琴发生与音调有关系吗? 电子琴有A-G的几种声调,谁有具体的琴键位置,有图的那种. 现在的LED电源都用的是什么拓扑结构啊!是不是反激式啊! Sally is looking at a big ship.改否定句 理直气壮 理直气顺 哪一个好 二十四节气民谚,歇后语像是:桃花红,李花白,黄莺鸣叫燕归来——惊蛰以及数九歌之类的. 理直气壮气的意思快啊!急用!