
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 09:21:17
你对出淤泥而不染与近朱者赤,近墨者黑有什么看法 线性代数,为什么相关! when they are ____with you,That shows they don't knows what you are saying.完形填空,真心 是补全对话,不是完形填空。 You need to find a comfortable strong handshake that shows what you are like.的翻译. 请问这个句子是同位语吗?Then last year,she decided to challenge Embu's mayor,a veteran politician.这里面的Embu's mayor,a veteran politician是同位语吗? 下面两个句子有没有同位语?He,short and thin,is unfit for the job. All the countries,big or small,are equal. Mr.Cool Boy cook的名词副词要举出5个要有5个 这个句子谁是谁的同位语?I have long had an idea that effective measures should be taken to put an end to pollution. 看这是不是有同位语的句子My friend Mary is a beautiful girl and a girl that you would like to work with .中的a girl 是不是同位语? 想找口语爱好者交谈英语,语音交流,电话交流也可以,有兴趣可以加344105275 想找英语爱好者练习雅思口语gggg现在本人正在准备雅思考试,口语方面找不到好的方法,所以想在线找一名Partner,一起准备口语话题并进行交流和练习。 在英语句子里什么时候用another,什么时候用other,什么时候用the other,什么时候用others? 英语中三者以上的句子中用another还是the other?例如We have three English classes today,one is in the morning,one is in the afternoon,_______is in the evening.此处用 the other 还是another? 邦乔维“Like Frankie said I did it my way”是指法兰克·辛纳屈的哪首歌? Like Frankie said I did it my way 的中文意思 Don't give up,and you will be succeed at last!的意思 轻装上阵的意思是什么 轻装上阵是神马意思啊 入团,用英语怎么说 萨拉热窝事件塞尔维亚青年为何刺杀斐迪南大公为什么要刺杀他呢?..是民族问题还是 入团 英语怎么说 "入团"翻译成英语 萨拉热窝事件塞尔维亚青年刺杀奥匈帝国首领及王妃 如何看待这一刺杀行为? 你入团多久了?用英语怎么说 对普林西普刺杀斐迪南大公夫妇的看法 Did john went shopping with you this morning?改错 虞美人 一词中哪个词语可以看作是 词眼李煜的 What is the American Dream and give one example of where it can be found in history. 很漂亮也可以说是“goddess”?经常在外国电影里听到说 He/She's goddess似乎是很迷人,漂亮的意思是可以这么用的么?还是我听错了? cause什么意思?词性是? 导致浪费,是cause waste还是cause wasting?请分别点明一下词性.