
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 01:46:11
鼓励与安慰有什么区别? exam什么意思 exam是什么意思 physical在这句中什么意思The landscape will change,and it will be more than physical. 关于地点的介词In der Bäckerei kann mann Brot und Brötchen kanfen.Wer macht auf Mallorca Urlaub?Wo habt ihr getroffen?-An der Bushaltsteele.Wo arbeiten Sie?-Bei der Bank\an der Kasse.在练习中一共遇到了an in auf bei等表示 Could you tell me how to get to the Shang-hai Grand Theatre?(保持原意改写句子....Could you tell me how to get to the Shang-hai Grand Theatre?(保持原意)Could you tell me _____ ______ is to the Grand Theatre? Excuse me,where is the Grand Theatre 换种表达方式,句意不变 Excuse me,where isthe Grand Theatre?换种句意,意思不变 守护誓言用英语怎么说?..守护誓言.把 .守护 .跟. 誓言. 分开.分别怎么说呢? . 守护 和 誓言的单词? 英语中的大地方小地方用什么介词? 让我很纠结1.He had made his best friend( ) promise that he would not be buried at sea,something he had a great fear of.(Suggested first letter(s):ab ) 2.I could find no words to describe the( ) view when I was standing on the Great Wall. 1.he is my best frtend.We all t________ him2.I love dogs because they never c_________ and they're greateful3.Old people must__________A.be spoken to politelyB.speak to politeC.be spoken politelyD.speak polite4.Do you think this table _________(由 介词用在什么地方? his father works in a barber's shop ,he works as a hair s____. 谁可以列举出含through的短语? c_____ through有什么短语 through的短语有哪些?是何意思? 动词+through词组look through,see through神马意思!救急!救急! 1.——It is only ten minutes' walk,so we'd better walk there,___we?A DIDN'T B HADN'T2.What should I do if I ___ in the game?——Keep confident,_________ happens.A willfail;what B fail;no matter howC fails;whatever C fail;whatever 画横线的单词改错 画横线的单词,改错 关于bec高级,什么样的英语程度才能报考?我想知道bec高级到底有多难?bec高级是涉及的语法难还是词汇难还是哪些东西难?我知道他和四六级完全不一样,但能不能给我一个定量的描绘,比如六级 专八改错题.星火的模拟题,划横线改错的地方都画在了有错的句子后面.专八真题也是如此吗? BEC高级要达到什么水平可以报考?中级呢现在才3月 我打算报下半年也就是12月份的BEC 六级考了600多分 基础还行吧 有没有在这段时间冲击高级并过级的希望? 编写英语短文改错题中的问题:在word中如何在单词上画斜线?为了示例 "多余的词要用斜线划掉" 怎么在一个单词身上划斜线? through的用法can:t understand what you are going through请问THROUGH着个单词在这个句子起什么作用, 请问through后能跟动词吗?比如这个句子because parents more understand their child through involved in the childcare centre因为通过参与到幼儿中心使他们更加了解他们的孩子 you have me there什么意思? through是动词还是介词? Among the friends we makein life ,the re are only one or two who can de called"a special friend"an 在横线上添字母,然后组成单词,填入句子.每个要2个._ook,_iss,_alk句子:Don't_at your_._Li and i_the bus.Don't_.And don't_on the grass词填在_上. 初三如何快速提高英语成绩?