
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 16:31:43
Jane is going to meet some friends this evening.对meet some friends 提问He must come home at ten o’clock.对at ten o’clock提问 I am going to meet her.改为一般疑问句怎么改 英语翻译我要歌词的英文谐音 英语翻译California regulators ,the first to brand secondhand smoke an air pollutant ,are convinced it causes breast cancer in younger women. 英语翻译Nike,Guess,Levi’s ...these are some of the foreign brand names I see in Shanghai.Many boys and girls like them.When they wear them they get more attention in school.And most importantly,the clothes look good.But have you ever thought of 我后悔我怎么怎么样.600字左右. 英语1--5题? 英语——1-5题怎么做? 搞哲学的人是不是很痛苦?把哲学学精了的人在精神层面上有没有痛苦的感觉? 三道英语句型转换(初一上学期)1.I help him and he helps me.We learn Maths together.(并成一句) We help ____ ______ _____Maths.2.Both of Tom's cousins are always very helpful.(同义句)Tom's cousins ______ ______ helpful_______ __ 我最讨厌自己的一点就是明知道自己压力大,不去释放,明知道有烦恼,不去问原因,明知道不如别人,不去找原因, 几个初一的英语句型转换(三),在线等!Is that your bag?(改为复数形式)Its name is Polly.(改为一般疑问句)Are you at home?(否定回答)These are (my) pencils.(对括号里的内容提问)I don't think she is wrong.(改为 白话翻译出来,明明很讨厌,也不喜欢你,知道不知道和一个自己不喜欢的人在一起,很的很痛苦 目前世界哲学界对人的理解主要有哪几个方面?因为没有太多的时间去阅读哲学类的著作,希望曾经阅读过西方大多数哲学著作的朋友做个总结,比如人的存在人的价值人的追求人的意义之类对 女人和哲学是世界上最痛苦的两种不相干的事物 遵守交通规则能不能说keep the traffic rules 阅读根据首写字母填空:People make traffic rules to keep order of theroad.Every year thousands of people died or got h(1) on the road in China.Please remember.Keep to the right on the road.There are rules to make the roads safe,but people d 1-5题英语 英语1~5题 1.Thegovernment should make laws to stop factories _____ letting out waste directly.A.by B.from C.up D.to2.Whenwill you and your parents ____________ for France?A.set out B.turn out C.take out D.make out3.He became a teacherof English in that school 5题,英语 年轻人想向苏格拉底学哲学的故事 苏格拉底的哲理故事要快啊~~~~~ 欧洲共有多少种语言呢? 谁知道关于苏格拉底和柏拉图的几个哲学故事?关于幸福、婚姻等等的.苏格拉底让柏拉图去捡东西然后给她讲道理有这两个,但比这个多,有好几个呢,不只是两个 为什么在欧洲各种语言内,火山都是“volcano”这个读音啊?从语言学方面分析下 一些苏格拉底和柏拉图的故事和哲学越多越好, 苏格拉底的故事要简单、字少、好理解、有教育意义的,长篇大论的叫别回了 为什么一般过去时必须要有表达过去的时间状语 什么是绝对过去的时间状语?书上说 如果直接引语中有表示绝对过去的时间状语,变为间接引语时要用过完 例如:he said."i joind the army"变为hesaid that he joined the army.错了 变为间接引语时要用一 表示过去的时间状语(5个) 1、Beauty contests are popular in the US,but many people () the idea that women should be judged by how attractive they are.AapproveBdisapproveCapprove ofDdisapprove of 2、Only () people can be considered for such a high position.AtrustworthyBtrust