
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 20:42:40
学英语新目标七年级34期答案谁知道? 世间上所有的相遇都是久别重逢吗? 英语高手帮我看看这句话的时态吧,总觉得有问题,谢谢!While in some countries people’s basic supply and nutritious needs have been met, they began to pursue better health. 我英语时态不好 怎么办呢 帮我看看这句简单的英语时态There was be going to thunderstorm!请问为什么这句话要用过去将来时?我怎么看不出这句话有过去的时态呢?除了复数和第二人称一律用were,其它的都用was么?比如there(那 英语时态提问:大哥大姐们帮我看看下面这句话的时态,搞不清楚了.The inspector pointed out that on the morning of the murder,the 8 o'clock train did not run at all,as it had broken down at Ferngreen station and had been taken 以the plan for my trip为题目 写一篇英语作文 想学英语怎么办 怎么学英语啊、我实在是不想学了对英语越来越没兴趣 不想学了都 你回答“世间所有相遇都是久别重逢”的那段话是出自哪里呢? We help each other的同义句We help __ __. He is the best _____English in our class. A.at B.in C.for D.to 人必得要有耐心,特别是要有信心.原版英语是怎样的那她这段话是在哪本著作出现的呀,整句话是怎样的。 圣经中关于“女人是男人的肋骨”的英语原文我知道是有这个的,但关于这段圣经中是怎么描写的呢. 北京四合院的特点以及大门的类型(详细点最好) 我发一句中文有没有人帮我翻译英文? 连词成句:(1)Beijing, they, to, trip, plan, on,连词成句:(1)Beijing, they, to, trip, plan, on, go, a, to(2)I, eat, Chinese, food, enjoy, much, very 第二个有变化 They______(plan) to go on a school trip at that time When I came into the room,they ___(plan) to go on a trip And we always have a good time e_____ and chatting with each other i have a good friendship with Lisa译成中文 英语翻译信件原文:Dearest ,Thank you very much for your Urgent mail.I am very glad to read through your mail this morning and i am admired with you.Let me write you my biography.I was born in Sierra Leone in West Africa.I am a single girl of 征集英文名我是女生,想要一个字母少且特别的英文名 征求英文名女 双子座 想要一个英文名 可以发几个上来 要英文 翻译 和 意义,谢啦 如有 中意的 还会有分哦 My pets always_________ with each other.中间填什么? 你觉得那几部电影最适合学英语(口语)要慢 阿甘正传不好 地道乡下音 love is here to stay的中文歌词,It's very clear,our love is here to stayNot for a year but ever and a dayThe radio and the telephone and the movies that we knowMay just be passing fancies and in time may goBut oh,my dear,our love is here to stayT here to stay就是 BLEACH 里的插曲 谁能告诉我哪里有地址要能放在空间里的那种~ 歌曲:here to stay事实 求弘扬中国传统文化的作文, I have been offered a large sum of money to go away为什么翻译为:"他们提供给我一大笔钱," 但句子明明是I have been offered. I have been offered a large sum of money 和 a large sum of money have been offered to me一样吗?第二句有语法错误吗?学蒙了,晕死了