
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 19:31:25
day和date的区别In some countries,the new year doesn't begin on the same date every year.这里的date能否换成day The cost of my car is higher than___ of yours day与date的区别 谁能帮我总结day date所有的区别? The actual cost of the building was much higher than our original _____.帮个忙、拜托 急.day和date的问法什么不同?日期是这样问What date is it today?What’s the date today?那星期怎么问呢?哪里不同确切点,怎么问“今天星期几? 英语翻译America’s love of cars and being on the open road have led to the invention of the modern travel or camper trailer.Some trailers are so well equipped1 that people can comfortably live in them all the time.With a good trailer,you can tak I often see the old man____morning exercise.A.doB.does C.to do D.doing There are many different types of web applications in the market 怎么翻译? there are moer than 60 different types of kangaroos翻译 急 The old man often takes exercise改为一般疑问句_the old man __exercise 德语阴性名词变格时词尾有变化吗在第二格的时候 阴性单数 词尾加s或es吗 下列哪些属于记事史书 A《汉书》 B《战国策》 C《史记》 D《春秋》答案提示是BD,但我认为是CD,查了战国策是别体史书,搞不清答案到底是哪个了? 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也.孔子说的这句话要告诫弟子什么? 知之为知之不知为不知这句话告诉我们的道理 身为语文课代表、能为班级做什么有益的事情? 《资治通鉴》和《后汉书》是不是断代史? Lucy has more friends than Lily -----.后面为啥用does ,而不用hasLucy has more friends than Lily -----.后面为啥用does ,而不用has Lily and LUcy does homework.这句话哪有问题?怎么改 哪几本托福词汇书比较好? I'm really anxious,because I can't find my backpack.翻译中文 Can I just stay there until it's no longer empty by your side?今天收到了一位异性朋友的邮件,里面有这么一句话! 英语翻译我有最佳答案,如果您的与我一样,奖励就是您的.就是想传播一下英文名言警句, mountain top 和 deeping night 我不会发音,但想读出来, 〔难题〕我求我的名字,王苹,带有‘ wang ping ’这两字的成语,读音相同即可?我求我的名字,王苹,带有‘wang ping’这两字的成语,读音相同即可?带一个字的我知道一些, 如何定义真正的高富帅!那些所谓的“高富帅”没什么好骄傲的,都是一群啃老本,吃软饭的废渣.我先说我定义的高富帅高于品格,富于知识,帅于行动. 求高富帅的另类解释高指的是 高血压 富 、 帅分别是指什么的?帅(衰)指的是 肾衰 高富帅深层次的含义?非字面意义上的解释. l go to bed (at eleven o'clock) at night对括号部分提问 英语翻译________is gone may be gone foreverA.what.B.anything应该选A,然后为什么不选B? 高富帅和白富美的定义江苏海安某高中给“高富帅”和“白富美”赋予了新的定义,请问分别是什么? “高富帅”在现代时尚社会中最确切的解释