
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 05:59:54
整式化简的一道题已知x^2+y^2=25,x+y=7,且x>y,求x-y的值 simple的用法 《”0的突破“》阅读题答案“0”的突破1984年7月29日,第23届奥林匹克运动会男子自选手枪比赛开始了.众多的世界名将都参加了这次比赛.在许海峰的挑战面前,他们哪肯示弱?比赛争夺得十分激 simplify simple simply simplification的几个词的区别和用法 forget用法 手语协会调查本人要设计一份有关手语协会的调查表,也就是提一些问题要那些会员去回答(选择为主).他们的活动基本上是讲座,请问设计什么问题好? 请结合内外职业生涯理论谈一谈个人在大学生活中应具备哪些能力,谈一谈自己的发展.(希望写详细一点) a taxi driver is a person who can driver a什么 bath和bathe的区别 bathe/bath填空1.He takes a cold __________ every morning.2.I shall take a hot _______and go to bed.3.I like to ________ in the sea.4.The river is dangerous to __________ in. 求一首英文歌,第一句是I'm a liar如题,是一个沉静的女声第一句就是:I'm a liar然后下一句的末尾是:的长音-----------------是很好听的一首歌可是不知道叫什么 请问“His popularity is among the middle-class.”怎么翻译中文? he tried i caught him before/after he got away The supreme happiness of life is with you together 类似Genevieve的英文名 想要类似于yocico这类的英文名要简单好读的,可以几个字母组成的读音,不需要正式的,百度上搜索的就算了吧 zizhuo相似的 英文名 几道英语根据所给形式填空..1.Peter knew he had behaved badly and he seemed___sorry.(true)2.WIth the Internet,people in the modern world are much ___to each other.(close)3.This is ___to be the most expensive restaurant in town.(consider)4.F 填入合适的单词he gives lessons to students.he's a__ 如何理解“孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流”? lier 和liar 有什么不同? where is money ,where are happy语法对不 整式的化简 初一 快如果(X+M)(X+1/7)的积不含X项,则M=( )化简 -2(X-Y)的4次方*-0.5(Y-X)的2次方已知A+B=-5,2A-B=-1,求AB(B+B的平方)-B的平方(AB-A)+2A(A-B的平方)在(AX的2次+BX+1) "And sometimes businesses are happy when intentions miss their mark"怎么翻, Which teacher_ lesson to you every day A.does gives B.does give C.do give D.gives怎么不用助动词 Which ________ teacher ________ lessons to you every day?A./ … gives B.does … give C.do … give What are your problems.这个句子对吗? you dance so well.can you teach me?_____- his daughter can dance well.what about ( ) 所给词是you,括号里应填什么 请详细解释:i have entered for the examination but i don't want to take it.这句什么意思? I have passed ESOL level 1 exam.Do I need take life in the UK test or not if I want to apply PR i have assured you that it's worthwhile to take the examination有insured,ensured,secured.为什么用assured