
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 12:19:36
配制250ML0.2MOL/L的氯化钠溶液的步骤 保证可以采纳. 配置0.2moL/LNaCL溶液500mL,需要称取固体NaCL的物质量是多少?简述操作步骤.直接把整题答案说出 已知函数y=a的2x次幂减2a的x次幂减1在[-1,1]上的最大值为14,求a的值. 英语 用英语做,求解答 请帮忙回答几个英语问题1.This has not been helped by the fact that several of my co-workers are off sick at the moment.中的are off sick 怎么理解,为什么不直接用are sick.2.I've got a couple of suggestions,which I'll get off to yo 请帮忙回答几道英语问题The British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things,______ is often the case in other countries.这儿的横线上为什么用as啊?请说明理由,There is this feeling of ease abou release ,software,upgrade,access,providers,occur,version,virus,technical,prodigy,competition,instruction,manual,stalff. 请帮忙用英语回答这些回答这些问题,1.what can you do make sure all your relatives and friends are on the guset list for your birthday party 2.what study habits seems to be common among successful students?3.what do you think of lives of 请帮忙回答英语问题,谢谢.spread over a vast area of South Asia and West Africa.请问a vast area of 是应该译为 南亚的广大地区 还是 南亚和西非的广大地区? 语法结构是怎样的?Einfach nur eine Spritze geben,das genügt doch nicht. 一句英语的语法结构和意思To begin at the bottom,what are our very senses themselves,but organs of selection? 并且它的语法结构.All the women present looked up in alarm.All the women present 为什么是这样结构? 请问这句的语法结构怎么理解?The policeman shot dead the man.句中dead应该是宾补吧,为什么宾补放在动词的后面而不在man的后面. Tomorrow Comes Today 歌词 英语翻译编英语小报 他们昨晚八点吃饭的.They ___ ____ at eight’clock yesterday evening. 一函数的图像是经过原点的直线,.一函数的图像是经过原点的直线,且此直线还经过函数y=2x-10和函数y=-3x+5图像的交点,求此直线的函数解析式. 谁有关于科学的画 有谁会?画三视图(高中信息技术) 歌名Tomorrow comes today 中文啥意思? 1、eight是原音吗?2、叫某人做某事,一个短语,是tell sb.啥的,是to do\do\还是doing? 3.—He’s already back to Australia,_________?— _________.He is on a visit to Shanghai.A.isn’t he; No B.hasn’t he; YesC.isn’t he; Yes D.hasn’t he; No选什么?还有为什么 兰州交通大学用英语咋说? 设a是给定的整数证明若方程xy(x-y)+yz(y-z)+zx(z-x)=a有一组整数解,则它有无穷多组整数解(x,y,z) 求所有三元组(x,y,z),满足x,y,z是正有理数,且x+1/y,y+1/z,z+1/x都是整数. 初中英语教师就语法知识提问I am comfortable speaking English.中用speaking.而The baby is difficut to take care of.中用to take care of.同是放在形容词后,为什么用不同的形式? 如图所示,倾角为一定角度的斜面体C置于水平面上,B置于斜面上,通过细绳跨过光滑的定滑轮与A相连接,连接B的一段细绳与斜面平行,A.B.C都处于静止状态 问C受到水平面的摩擦力一定为零是错 物体从光滑斜面上的A点由静止开始下滑,经过B点后进入粗糙水平面(B点为斜面的底端,设经过B点前后速度大小不变),最后停在C点(水平面上),每隔0.1S通过速度传感器测量物体的瞬时速度, 一架飞机水平匀速的在某位同学头顶上飞过,当他听到飞机的发动机声从头顶正上方传来时,发现飞机在他前上方约与地面成60度角的方向上,据此可以估算此飞机的速度约为声速的多少倍?写上 1.Peter takes an order ___ a large bowl of noodles.A.for B.with2.The noodles with tomatoes ahd beef ___ (be) for you.3.I like eating e____ very much.4.He likes pork very much.But he likes b___ better.5.Would you like to know the r____?6.We should eat