
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 04:11:21
翻译我妹妹每天早上8点穿衣打扮 英语翻译plumbing and drainage installation How can we have more friends,get in touch with other people or stay at home?翻译成汉语 When we were young ,every evening my brother and I ____stay at home waiting for our mother My brother and I were born (in Shanghai in 1999).(对划线部分进行提问,打括号的为划线部分)______ and ______ were you and your brother born? can’t和can的读音是不是一样的歌曲,或电影中差不多听不出区别 can和can't之间读法怎么一样?查字典是这样,看外国电影也是这样! Lisa was born (on May 1st in Shanghai.)划线提问 can’t怎么发音?初二的时候老师把can’t的“an”发中文里拼音的“an”初三的时候老师又把can’t的“an”发中文里拼音的“ang”到底哪个是对的? can't发音can't到底是念[kɑ:nt]还是[kænt]? can't的读音究竟can't这个音是读"看"还是读"can第四声"的?平时怎么区分can't 和can? “Party like we do”该怎么翻译如题 谢谢了 为什么美国人读“can't”的读音是我们中国人度"can"的读音? 迷茫繁体字怎么写 我的心里只有你 繁体字 Listen To Your Heart男女说唱版MP3地址 1.已知cosa=3/5,且a属于(3Π/2,2Π),则cos(a-Π/3)= 2.VABC中,sinA=3/5,cosB=5/13,则cosC=? 三角恒等变化sin a/2—cos a/2=1/5 求sin a急 listen to your heart的MP3格式? 搜集与桥有关的古诗或传说,用描述性语言将你最喜欢的故事或传说写下来 几道高一三角函数恒等变换题1.已知sinα=(√5-1)/2,则sin2(α-π/4)=2.化简√(1+sin100)-√(1-sin100)3.设方程x²-(tanα+1/tanα)x+1=0的一个根式2+√3,求sinα的值.4.求证:sin2x/[(sinx+cosx-1)(sinx-cosx+1)]=1/tan(x/2).5 高一三角函数恒等变换题 高一三角恒等1) 证明 tan^2 x + 1/(tan^2 x) = [2(3+2cos4x)]/(1-cos4x) 2) (1+tan22)(1+tan23)(1+tan24)(1+tan25)=? 在hit FM里Grace主持的工作随身听里的广告里有首歌like it like,like it like叫...在hit FM里Grace主持的工作随身听里的广告里有首歌like it like,like it like叫什么名字? did she( )the mccting a.take part in b.take part for c.tok part in应选择哪个 HIT FM中有首电音发音好像是like j six 的歌名是神马? did she ____the meeting?A.take part in B,take part for C,took part in hit fm音乐有一首女的唱的好像有句歌词是i am look like sugar求歌名 She wants to take part in sports meet.同义句Please color the desk orange.同义句 求hit FM里面广告后有首歌的歌词含:just like like like…… 女唱的 我英文不太好 大概这些单词读音吧 She is e------- to take part in the Games. 英语翻译你,算什么?帮忙翻译这句话