
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 01:37:24
翻译:the use of electrical or electronic signals.; 求翻译 The change allowing the use of electronic devices from gate-to-gate will not,however,extend to making mobile phone calls during flights. 阅读根据首写字母填空:How do you go to school every day?In China,many children go to schoolon foot or by bike.They need to know some traffic fules.The rules can help them keep s(1)When children walk on the streets or roads,they must be c(2 what+don't+you+play+football+in+the+park是什么意思 So waiting for 成语安守本分的意思? “SMTown in LA 或者是什么地方 SMTown in LA是在哪 20130427 SMTown in LA与20120719SMTown in LA为什么一样 I___Chinese___a Chinese teacher,and I___at it前面已经说了我不是中国人. 古人怎样写信 中年闰土是怎样的? 关于师恩的故事是关于 师恩 的 英语翻译要有句子成分分析, “经多方证实,你只比我小一岁”,有什么暗示吗? distributor和 sole agent分销商和代理商可以在同一个区域共存吗?我是做外贸的,如果在一个国家授予了独家代理,那还能不能授予其他distributor资格? It is the band __ gets everyone dancing.为什么要填which?而不填that 或 the popular band can ( )everyone dancing ,A make B let C hope D get 独家代理是sole agent还是sale agent?我的书是sole agent,是不是它印错了? soon early的英语问题soon与early究竟有什么区别呢?如下面的例题,该怎样区别?---I'm leaving home this afternoon.---Why so_____?A.soon B.early 请问 Jobs differ by post,not social standing.其中的by是什么意思, Seoul is in South K_____.对划线部分填空 英语翻译“关于如何治疗这种疾病医学上有不同的看法” 求救!g7刷了recovery v2.5.0.1 还能刷回V1. v1 和 v2到底有啥区别大神们帮帮忙请问各位大虾你们知道这俩个版本的区别吗? vivo xplay的音质如何?vivo xplay音质测试 vivo xplay死机了怎么办 representative 区别representation是否可以都做代表(人),而不是“代表”这个事情那都做达标人的时候区别啥?译the united states congress is elected on the basis of proportional representation, 此话怎解?最佳答 representative和representive的区别如题 state representative和U.S. representative应该怎么翻译?美国政体中state representative和U.S. representative是什么职务?应该怎么翻译?他们就是指州议员/国会议员么?state representative是指州议会里的众议员么? A thousand sorry for my late reply是什么意思? Sorry for late reply i have been busy for a while中文