
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 04:55:28
SAT 2011 11月作文 亚洲区的考题 最好能够具体点 化简1/1+√2+1/√2+√3+1/√3+√4 定义n!=1*2*3*.*(n-1)*n,例如4!=1*2*3*4,化简1/2!+2/3!+n/(n+1)! 因式分解4x²-4xy+y²-a² 请帮忙看一下SAT真题2006.压根没看懂, 3.One side of a triangle has length 8 and a second side has length 5.Which of the following could be the area of the triangle?I 24II 20III 5A.I only B.II only C.III only D.II and III only E.I,II and III (1/3)^n-(1/3)^(n-1)化简 SAT 07年10月一道语法题As a adult, male golden silk spider live not in webs, 为什么live not可以算是对的? 两道因式分解的题:1.x四次方-3x²+1 2.a²+(a+1)²+(a²+a)² 3^n-3^(n-1)要怎么化简?3^n+3^(n-1)这个也顺便说一下 1+(1+2)+(1+2+3)+……+(1+2+3+…… n) 共有n个.(化简)是有n个式子! 化简1/2!+2/3!+3/4!……+n-1/n!n大于等于2n属于N* -(n-1)^3怎么化简啊 3∧n-3∧(n+1)怎么化简? In 1988 a Soviet icebreaking ship helped free three gray whales that had become trapped in the Arctic ice after they had swam into the coastal waters of Alaska to feed.这里面有一个时态错,求高人告诉我哪个错并且为什么,我过去 求解几道SAT语法题1. All of the class presents(A) but Jerry, Alice, and I (B) were at the meeting to select the delegates for next month's conventions. 为什么答案说B 错啊?B不应该就是做主语吗?2.October 15th will mark the second 几道sat语法题求解I will always remember (you) standing by me offering me encouragement.you改your,为什么you不可以?you作宾语,standing by 和offering 作宾补 2.In 1986,a radiation lasts for the better part of a year. 这个是 (1)x的3次方-4x (2)x-2x的平方 因式分解这2道题 求sat 真题详解真题 -3x3次方+12x平方-9x [2x-5]平方+y[5-2x] [a-b]3次方+a[a-b]平方+b[b-a]平方 全用因式分解,9x隔开,5-2x隔开 在密闭的房间里有一个开着门的电冰箱,给它通电让它工作,过一段时间后房间里的温度将?我的物理难题 有人会做这道sat真题吗? SAT答案真题还可信吗 因式分解 3xy+12x平方 (12x的4次方y的3次方-6x的3次方y的4次方+3xy)÷(-3xy) 几道SAT语法题1.(If there had been) a power failure,the hospital will run on electricity from its own generators,which can operate for 200 hours.A.If there had beenB.If there wereC.Had there beenD.Should there beE.There has been为什么选D?而 几道sat语法题+sat考试问题求解!1 The speaker at the assembly hadn't been on the stage (but) two seconds when the audience burst into spontaneous applause.改for, 为什么?请翻译下句子2 The fact that the (technique) of confrontation i 把冰箱门打开,室内温度会升高,还是会降低,为什么? 将冰箱门打开,室内温度会有何变化? 海尔冰箱小统帅, 冷藏室温度和室内温度一样,冷冻室正常.海尔冰箱小统帅, 冷藏室以前老结冰,现在不结冰了,但温度和室内温度一样,东西都发臭了.冷冻室正常.低温补偿已关闭,档位在6. 一道sat数学真题,if a number is chosen at random from the set {-12,-6,0,6,12}.what is the probability thatit is a member of the solution set of both 2x-3-6?(A)0 (B) 1/5 (C) 2/5(D) 3/5 (E)4/5c是对的, 一道SAT数学题目,要详细解答3,4,6,7,10,12The number n is to be added to the list above. If n is an integer, which of the following could be median of the new list of seven numbers?I. 6II. 6.5III. 7A I onlyB II onlyC III onlyD I and II onlyE