
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 22:38:30
5.The girl always wears beautiful____.A.a clothes B.cloth C.clothing D.dress选哪个,为什么? 找一首歌.英文的,一个男的唱的,蛮欢乐的一首歌,第一句好像是you are always a beautiful girl...中间有些suicide suicide . 根据首字母提示填单词,补全短文Bill and his father go to see his grandpa.On the train,Bill often puts his head out of the window.His father says,"Be c___ ,Bill!It's too dangerous.'But Bill doesn't listen to h____So his father hides Bill's The girl always wears beautiful____.A.clothes B.cloth C.clothing D.dress为什么选A?不选D?A和D有什么区别吗? When Joyce was told the whole story,she _______ in the film.A.ceased interest B.ceased interestedC.ceased being interested D.ceased to interest 把下列句子变为被动语态.1,she has told me about the story.2.We have completed all the preparations for the tast,abd we are readyto start. 翻译一句话:You must put on your pair of beautiful blue jeans when the weather is cold today. The pair of blue jeans is very nice.I will wear them today英文翻译 my sister told me who she was waiting 哪个字在不同的文言文句子上有相同的含义 she (reading)a book yesterday 根据括号里的单词填空 谁有新东方大学六级全真预测试卷09年的听力mp3我还没转就不小心把盘弄坏了,好心人帮个忙吧~也不知道是第几版,反正是09年1月第4版,估计是09年的就都一样吧!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is reading the book( ) her motherbought yesterday Egypt opposition says talks to end crisis not enough,求标题翻译, Life is full of challenge .To be a drummer,tap the most excellent music for ourself. Egypt's government resists mounting pressure for change,求标题翻译, Egypt’s Ruling Generals Meet With Opposition,求标题翻译, Egypt opposition feels strains from within求标题翻译,谢谢~ 12生肖走路步伐大的动物 我想请问一下人教版七年级上册的英语听力材料是哪些? 分解因式:1+10t+25t的平方 1+10t+25t²怎么分解因式? 25t* +10t +2t的2次方 分解因式 (1)1-10t-25t的平方 (2)x的平方-4-x+2急 I'd like to go to the p_____________ to have a walk. 若方程x²-8x+m=0的两根为x1,x2,且3(x1)+2(x2)=18则m等于多少马上就要知道答案,还要有过程. 雕梁画栋、巧夺天工、独具匠心、引人入胜、古色古香、余音绕梁……是什么意思?雕梁画栋、巧夺天工、独具匠心、引人入胜、古色古香、余音绕梁、不落窠臼、雅俗共赏、美不胜收、脍炙 雕梁画栋、巧夺天工、独具匠心、引人入胜、么意思? 若x1,x2为方程x²+2x-4=0的两根,试求下列各式的值 雕梁画栋、巧夺天工、独具匠心、引人入胜、古色古香.的意思.要正确的 如题.【用蓝线划的,那两步是怎么得出来的?】 He's just left ___a visit to Kunming.Why didn't you go with him?I didn't_____to.A on ..mean B to ...like C with ..want D at ..have请告诉我选择哪个并且附上理由.