
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 15:51:05
以“放眼未来”为话题,写一篇八百字以上的作文 一道英文物理题A 4kg body is placed on horizontal ground.The coefficient of dynamic friction between the body and the ground is 0,2.The object is acted upon by a force of 30 N that encloses an angles of 20 whith horizontal.Find the friction for 一道英文的物理题Which of the following is a torque expression?A. 􀀁 = maB. 􀀂 = m􀀁vC. 􀀂 = vsinA􀀁D. 􀀂 = FsinA*d翻译一下,还有答案是哪个? 一道物理英文题The speed of a bullet as it travels down the barrel of a rifle toward the opening is given by v = (–5.00 × 107)t2 + (3.00 × 105)t,where v is in meters per second and t is in seconds.The acceleration of the bullet just as it l 一道物理题(英文的)Maximum power transfer to the load RL occurs when its value is (30)最好是用Thevenin's Theorem,好像叫戴伟宁定律当RL=Rth时,P最大,好像是要把电源断路,然后求Rth,我不明白那个Rth是怎 还有一道英文物理题an air-filled ballon floating on the surface of the water is in a region where the currrent in the water has a velocity Vc and the wind has a velocity Vw.the actual velocity of the ballon is given by:A.Vc+VwB.Vc-VwC.Vw-VcD. 我儿子今年上初一了,可是他的数学却学的一点也不好,题也没少做,可是你给他讲也不会,为什么呢,难道数学真的这么难吗有谁帮帮我,到底怎么办,才能学会谢谢急! 儿子现在读初一的快班,但好多数学拓展题都不会,怎么办 孩子读初一了,数学反应慢,怎么办? 求《说普通话的好处》 写一篇论文1000字以上,明天要交! 我现在初一,我不想上学了怎么办 现在有多少初一就不上学的 我现在初一了,可是最近不知道为什么上课总是游神想东想西怎么办.求帮组 初一实验小题,明天上学,A.去三个相同的一次性纸杯,分别加入同样多的自来水B.纸杯一加入一小勺盐,约5克充分搅拌,纸杯二中加入两小匙,充分搅拌,纸杯三中不加盐C.三个纸杯同时放入冰箱中D. 我现在15岁,读了初一之后1年没读书了,怎么办? 怎样才能够快速地记住一篇文章 怎样能快速的记住一篇文章? 怎么样可以快速的记住一篇英语短文? 怎么样才能快速记住一片文章 如何记住一篇英语短文?谢谢了 儿子今年上一年级,语文、数学的题型经常看不懂,请告知我有些什么好办法吗? 孩子上初一了,数学总是粗心,语文阅读不行,我该咋办? 一道英语物理题A quarterback passes the football downfield at 20m/s .It leaves his hand 1.8m above the ground and is caught by a receiver 30m away at the same heightWhat is the maximum height of the ball on its way to the receiver? 英语物理题一道turner's treadmill runs with a velocity of -1.2m/s^2 and speed up at regular intervals during a half-hour workout.after 25 min,the treadmill has a velocity of -6.5m/s.what is the average acceleration of the treadmill during this 记一次拔河比赛作文600字,写得好+分写一篇亲身经历的拔河比赛,600字,写出自己的感想,写得好+分! 拔河比赛作文450字 写输了 拔河比赛作文800字激烈一点 毕淑敏的儿子的创意,阅读题答案,谁知道 儿子的创意阅读答案1.通读全文,请概括文章所写的主要内容.2.说自己很“勇敢”,从全文来看,他的“勇敢”在文中有哪些具体表现?请写出2点.3.请分别列出文中母亲和儿子对“创意”的看法, 儿子的创意阅读答案 毕淑敏 儿子的创意 《儿子的创意》