
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 16:39:14
I live on(in)a large field是填哪个介词啊 用My造三个句子My必须是开头 英语句子中 me和my有啥区别我不是这个意思~eg:mind me /my doing sth 布兰妮有首歌歌词有句是:i forget my adress.还有一句是me.me.音乐很欢快,歌名是A开头的叫什么? What kind of 后加可数名词还是不可数名词 回答应该用可数名词还是不可数名词? 七年级英语上册p11 2b的对话 sorru blame it on 英语翻译设计的目的在于:让枯燥的日常厨房烧菜变得生动活泼;餐具们变成了给家庭带来快乐和提供家庭相聚起来的机会的工具.从小孩到老人到父母都能够参与进来,通过对餐具的不同使 there的同音词? 两个土字加在一块是什么字 the driver‘s carelessness led to the man being killed/to be killed 为什么?being killed/和to be killed 选用那个啊?导致被杀死不是? When he is a grown man,being laughed at retains this childhood aura.这句话是出自菊与刀.retainsretains是动词,为什么能接在being laughed at? 英语翻译In agriculture,possibilities include larger trees,increased grain yields and even square tomatoes,easily packaged with less water content.有点急 英语翻译The only requirements are the bonds issued by the firms under consideration and proxy for the risk-free bonds,which may be the treasury bond or the bonds issued by a firm of highest credit rating.请不要用翻译器直接贴上来,我 英语翻译The increasing organic food market shows that people are prepared to pay morefor fruits and vegetables that haven't been grown purely for its outside lookand money business.其实就是这里不知道怎么理解.for its outside look and 羽瑾yujin这个产品在北京哪个商场里面有销售,I want to buy,please answer me Foolish是什么意思? foolish的意思 foolish.是莫意思 foolish温柔控是什么意思 from single orders of 30 000Tn up to 5Million tons beat for beat Did you see the 48th Golden Horse Award ? Yes. It was ____by Zeng Zhiwei and his daughter Zeng Baoyi . I like them very much. Do you mind my taking the piace?----____.It is for my daughter.A.Better not B.Yes,please是place,不是 piace 这个句子有没有语病:I lost my dream,because I am running after my dream. Why!It's April ( )Day today (foolish) foolish的意思, one day,a little boy visit a foolish man哪错了 Foolish是什么意思 The Internet affords anonymity to its users,a blessing to privacy and freedom of speech.a blessing to privacy and freedom of speech.在该句中做什么成分? 三个口念品pin,三个日念晶jing,三个土念什么? 逐句地看完这个帖子以后,我的心久久不能平静,震撼啊 出自哪里我讲的就是三楼转的,我想知道这个帖最先是谁发的,太有才了,