
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 00:41:50
请帮忙翻译下面文言文!1.武帝嘉其义,乃遣武以中郎将使持节送匈奴使留在汉者;因厚赂单于,答其善意. “窈窕淑女,君子好俅”是谁说的, 窈窕淑女,君子好俅.这里的“好”读几声?依据? 窈窕淑女,君子好俅,”好”的读音是什么?俅是配偶的意思,那”好”是否该念三声? 英文解释翻译“窈窕淑女,君子好俅” 我英语基础很差,考研英语的作文怎么办啊? 考研英语作文可以用蓝笔写好还是黑笔好啊?..话说我觉得蓝色太炫了...黑色比较沉稳..可看很多人说用蓝笔比较好... 关关雎鸠的作者是谁? 社会地位低的人,打一动物 英译汉!he's still living in our house there 因为人是一种动物,动物都有感情,而这种感情在当今的社会需要用金钱、权利去实现,所以人们就开始势利了 谁知道六年级第八单元近义词,25个 听说开个砖瓦厂挺赚钱的,请问有谁知道开个砖瓦厂需要多少资金吗?还有我听说开砖瓦厂有污染,国家已经禁止了一些砖瓦厂,有不污染的吗?开这个厂需要什么手续,怎么开啊 武帝嘉其义,乃遣武以中郎将使持节送匈奴使留在汉者,因厚赂单于,答其善意.文言文翻译 齿鲸有什么特点 上午运了一批砖的5分之2,下午晕了12000块,正好运完,上午晕了多少快.算式 1.The man's income is twice that of the much as B.much as many as D.much than2.It is __ beautiful house that we've decided to buy it.A.such B.such a a D.so3.your son is well again,you have nothing to worry about.A.Because B.That 1.There have been ten thousand visitors to the exhibition since(its opening)请问since后不是用过去时吗,还有与it's opening的区别 2.The radio made in our factory are better than (those)made in theirs请问that what that one 为何不可? 写好一篇文章需要那些条件? 鳄鱼是动物吗 1、当x=2,y=-4时,代数式ax^3+1/2by+5=1997,那么当x=-4,y=-1/2时,代数式3ax-24by^3+4896的值等于______.2、当x=-1时,代数式2ax^-3bx+8的值为18,这时,代数式9b-6a+2=( ) 数学小题,挺着急!求详细过程,谢谢!k=1-m^2,求倾斜角取值范围,k为斜率娄!求过程谢谢 一道关于从句的选择题after the earthquake,the problem the local government solved was ____ of providing accommodation for the homeless.A that B which C what Dthis这是什么从句?应该是表语从句吧?但that做什么成分呢?不是说 I wonder _______got him the job,his fluency in English or his good looks .which was it that B.what this was that C.which it was that it was 关于从句的all finished,we sat down to enjoy_____we thought the most delicious dinner.A that C what 并分析句子结构 如何学写好的作文 如何学写好作文 数学反比例函数1道小题,反比例函数y=96/x,如果自变量的取值范围为2≤x≤3,则y的取值范围是 求解题思路,遇到这样的题该怎样解 四道高中英语单选.1、——_____this school with that one,we find that there are three times more students.A、ComparedB、ComparingP.S.如果题目改为:——_____with that one,we find that there are three times more students.2、It is _ 数学小问题,只有两小题,但是要过程!急急!1.已知|x+2|=0.,|y-3|=0,求负二又二分之一X — 三分之五y+4xy的值.(要过程02.若ab互为相反数,cd互为倒数,m的绝对值是1,求(a+b)cd-2010m的值.(要过程) 窈窕淑女,君子好求.