
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 12:17:29
The two teams agree ____there rules,though the rules did not agree ___the standard ones添介词 We can see that you are no 求有舞和冷字的诗句!最好是舞字在前的~ 带冷字的词,形容突然的 用冷字组成比喻失望的词语 I‘m told by my grandmother that there used to be a fairy in the woods,____?的反疑问句 That's all ___ I told youAthat B what Cwhich 怎样复习四级历年真题卷子? Sports Day is tomorrow l love Sports Day!Tim__________too.koko,______________?英语 有一首旋律很美的歌,开头的歌词是 Do you remember that i saw you cry lastnight,tell me baby why …这首歌我找了两个小时了, 高一词语填空在做选择合适词语的适当形式填空时只剩下两个词组和两句句子,词组分别是:can't wait to (do),be supposed to (do)句子分别是The play must be wonderful,so i ( )come backWhat time will we ( ) there第 完形填空……(用所给词的正确形式填空~)in front of ,there be,book,building,computer,because,on the right,next to}welcome to our school.First,let me show you around our school.Our school is fifty years old.look ,that is our classroom1 如何种植有机作物种植有机谷子、玉米、高粱 如何鉴定有机农产品 什么叫做“百度同学”?今天刚看到的词语,不理解 英译汉:it is gerat fun to have sports aftera day's study 今天一个同学说了句话,让我难以理解`今年是高一新生,虽然一个班,但都不是很熟悉``今天走路上的时候,一个平时很搞笑的男生对我同桌说" 你和她走在一起不觉得自卑吗?你看你长成那个样子 I always got nervous when i saw the envelope form school in the mail.是否正确?帮 忙``I always got nervous when i saw the envelope form school in the mail.是否正确? 有谁知道现在稻谷价格?预计有长价的吗 Canada is a big country with a lot of interesting places.It is i_____ North America.首字母填空,该填什么呀 知了一生脱几次壳? 超级蟑螂 单词怎么拼写 另外OFFCE打开慢怎么解决啊? offce worker是什么意思 电话本上的Offce. In case I don't see you的汉语意思 有个女孩子给我发 In case,i like u Loso in case you aint no 请问一下英语高人这句“Loso in case you aint no so!谁能用中文翻译一下 请问attached slip 是什么意思 There's no trouble in the world,only the unenlightened people agitate it.So i You ___our case very convincingly . The jurors were clearly impressedA.represented B.presented C. promoted D. probed请解释 并选择 把下列句子变成一般疑问句10.Mrs.Li and Kitty are in a big shop.11.Kitty is wearing her new uniform.12.The boy under the tree is hungry.13.He goes to school every day.15.I want to have a model car.16.She wants a cup of coffee.17.Mrs.Li and