
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 01:03:36
2的71次方+1是不是质数有助于回答者给出准确的答案 求下列函数的导数y=In sin2x 想请教个近世代数的问题1.关于近世代数置换的乘法:a=(1对2,2对3,3对1),b=(1对2,2对1,3对3 );a乘b=(1对2,2对3,3对1)乘(1对2,2对1,3对3 ).但另外一题:a=(1对2,2对3,3对1),b=(1对3,2对1,3对2);a乘b=(1对3,2对1,3对2) 先化简,再求值:x-3(x-1/3y^2)+6(-x+1/3y^2),其中x=-2,y=-1 一个梯形的四条边分别为1,2,3,4,此梯形的面积为 将12以内的5个质数分别填入A=□/□+□+□+□的□中,使得A是整数,那么A最小是( ). 能同时被2,3和5整除的最大两位数是多少 this is my umbrella根据my提问 my umbrella and my coat去掉后面的my可以吗 My coat and my umbrella please可以把后面的my省略掉吗?变成My coat and umbrella please.还有什么时候可以省略掉主语,类似Give me什么的,我是英语菜鸟现在从头开始学新概念一册 I left my umbrella in my room .Could you wait while we go back to get it?为什么要用while 而不是when 化简:(x-3y)^2 -(x-3y)(x+3y) 求过点P(0,3)作圆x²+y²-4x-5=0的弦.使弦的中点的横坐标为5/2的直线的方程. This new car b___ to my brother.He brought it last week 点A(3,5)是圆x2+y2-4x-8y-80=0的一条弦的中线,则这条弦所在直线的方程是啊 提问T bought a new car last week.what type/to buy?回答为什么是what type did you buy?而不是what type buyed? 全人类历史上寿命最长的王朝是哪个? look!the dacks are e___our picnic.our picnic is wet .but the ducks l___it.请速解. 世界历史上哪个朝代统治最长 填空题:1.This is my o____ car.I bought it last year.2.You speak too quickly,Ican't f___ you. Are the ducks eating our food ?(no) 什么歌曲能形容这样的心情?当时冲动的想爱,但也只是暗恋对方;时间帮我看清对方,让剩下的感情变成纯粹的友谊.我不后悔没能爱你,因为就算只是朋友,我们依旧能温暖彼此. He left Chine five years ago He bought this book last year His brother joined the army last mouth4、I arrive have ten minutes ago 5、The train stopped half an hour age 6、He became an engineer ten years ago 7、They came to Japan last week 8、The 请问中国历史上寿命最长的皇帝哪些呢? tanA,tanB是方程x^2-px+1-p=0的两根,且A,B为三角形ABC的内角.求:(1)tan(A+B)的值;(2)求p的取值范围 the ducks are (eating our picnic)(对括号里的部分提问) 中国历史上哪个皇帝寿命最长,活了多久啊 鸡能活多长时间呢 最长寿命是多少 求经过点P(1,-7)且与圆C:x^2+y^2=25相切的切线方程 过P(-5,-2)与圆x^2+y^2=25相切的切线方程RT 已知在三角形ABC中A>B,且tanA与tanB是方程x^2-5x+6=0的两根,1.求tan(A+B)的值2.若AB=5,求BC的长 求过点p(1,-7)与圆x方加y方等于25相切的切线方程没了