
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 22:14:22
英语习题讲解I may not have time this afternoon.I may not ____ _____this afernoon.我知道答案是(be free)但是不知道为什么, 英语 习题讲解2.______ ,the mountain climbers conquered Mount Qomolangma in the end .A Great as difficulty wasB Great difficulty as it was A 为什么不可以选B?A 少打 一个the 但是 B 也符合 as 引导地强调句 英语翻译tomorrow 打印此页 歌手:lavigne avril 专辑:let go And I wanna believe you,When you tell me that it'll be ok,Ya I try to believe you,But I don'tWhen you say that it's gonna be,It always turns out to be a different way,I try to b 用英语怎么问衣服尺寸大小我问的是对“size” 的问法,如“what size...”,还是“how much(many)...size”,请写出整个问句! “假期票难买,请提前买票”用英语翻译 1.(书名) set in the peaceful English countryside,as ___ new TV series,is ___ success.A.a,a B.the,a C.a,/ D./,a 2.When you are learning English,you find ____ wrong to translate a sentence word for word into your native language.A.it B.that C.you 高一上英语视频讲解和课文一样的讲解,是人教版的! 1.He narrowly missed____over by a car.A.running B.to run C.to be run D.being run2.Mary will go with you ___the next bus stop.A.as long as B.as far as3.set sail ( ) Japan 填什么介词 就不切换大小写了啊,1.the flood was ( )gaining on the little bridge,which finally almost entirely disappeareda.suddenly b.hardly c.gradually d.quickly2.mary tried to pick up a quarrel with her husband,but the ( ) just ignored hera.letter b.ol 高一入学试题英语题2道讲解—I'm sorry.I'm late again.—_______.(C)A.All right B.That's right C.That's all right请问A和C有什么区别?2.—I haven't seen Ann for a week.Where is she? —She_____Tokyo.(A)A.has gone to B.has 两个分别用13cm的绝缘线悬挂同一点的相同形导体,带同种等量电荷.因为静电斥力,他们之间距离为10cm,每个球质量为0·6g,求他们所带电荷量? 解决一个物理题 要过程!某型号的单缸四气冲程汽油机的活塞直径为60mm(面积近似取S=3.0×10负三次方) 活塞冲程L=0.06m 某种工作状态下的冲程燃气的平均压强P=1.0×10六次方PA 活塞以n=1380/min 尺寸用英文怎么表示尺寸英文怎么表示,例如我只知道的,H表示高度.B W L 这些表示什么,最好能加个附图说明, 国内医药英语翻译的精英在哪儿呢? 在·····中间的英语翻译 英语翻译如何翻译:“龙泽杯”2009西湖龙井茶炒制精英赛?我看到有些把“杯”是直接翻译成:CUP 或 BEI(拼音)? 中间那个是你 的英文翻译/ 几道英语题 求了 赶快填A Hi ,Alice!{ }you like oranges B Yes,I{ }How about you ? A I{ }bananas Andmymother likes bananas, { }your mother like bananas?B No ,she{ }likes apples and bread{ }dinner.What about your mther?A She likes chic 连词成句1、where swim go does day to Steven every___________________________________ 2、week,airplane,did,to,not,travel,by,we,Australia,last___________________________________ .3、library,in,loud,the,too,don't,spe 1.根据图12.2-5的列车时刻表,计算列车从襄樊到丹江运行的平均速度,以及从朱坡到老河口运行的平均速度.2.一艘潜艇静止在水面下.当潜艇发现正前方5km处有一艘航空母舰正以30km/h的速度向潜 英语翻译1.Tell about a time you helped to make dinner.2.What you order at a restaurant? 英语翻译网络的使用给大多数学生提供了自主学习的机会,锻炼了他们的创造性和主动性。但也有少数学生因过去太过依赖于以教师为主导的课堂教学,较长时间不适应这种由自己掌握学习 选择填空2道,空白部分填1、Alice often .A.walks to homeB.walks homeC.is walking home2、Don't jump the wall.It's dangerous.A.onB.intoC.off when mark __ ___ ___ ___ (正在考试),he had a stomachache.If you ___ ___ ____ (有办法)to solve the problem ,we can finish the task tomorrow. 2道英语题(根据首字母填空)1、Her pet dog is c______ Kodi.2、How many teachers are there in your school?M_______ t_______ 200. 2道首字母填空的英语题……Our team wins again.All the players are r( )great At the weekend i often read the book in the l( ) 英语翻译题,请问 包揽金银铜 怎么翻译呢? 英语翻译What do you think of the activties that you must take part in?希望不要用工具翻译~`在此重谢~ 英语翻译我现在还没有理想,但是我希望我以后做个对社会有用的人.抱歉抱歉,我题目打错……改正【帮我把这句中文翻译成英文】 ( )68.I don’t feel ______.The doctor asked me to go and see him ____ three days.A.well,every B.well,each C.good,each D.good,every 英语翻译a fly is resting on the borrom of a closed jar.The jar is placed on a very accurate balance,and there is equilibrium.The fly starts flying.Will there be equilibrium again. 英语翻译A loudspeaker which emits sound of frequency 1000 Hz is placed several meters from a plane reflecting wall in a large chamber containing a gas.A microphone M,connected to a cathode ray oscilloscope ,detects a series of low and high intens