
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:00:22
The students don't have3 much time to play with their friends.(改为反意疑问句)The students don't have3 much time to play with their friends,_____,________?-Jim ,I'm afraid I can't go to your party tonight.-______.A.I'm sorry to hear that B 41.On the ground ___________ a sick goat,whose life was in danger.A.lay B.lays C.lying D.laying42._________ at the back of the room was a shy girl with two big eyes.A.Sat B.Sit C.Seated D.Seating43.________ on the blackboard ___________ the names of Is this factory __ some foreign friends visited last Friday?(that/where/which/the one)答案为the one,请问为什么? As is known to all,the threats to the health of astronauts in space are very difficule from____on earth Ait B that Cones Dthose IS this book( )you want to borrow from the library?A.that B.which C.As D.\ Until the current warming trend exceeds the range of normal climatic fluctuations,there will be,among scientists,considerable --- the possibility that increasing levels of atmosphere carbon dioxide can cause long-term warming effects.A interest in B ___ students want to know why1.Variety of2.VariousB___ He threw away his __ cigarettes1.remained2.remainingB 英语一道选择试题 求讲解-I don't care what my classmates think of me.-Well,you _____ .A.wouldB.mightC.shouldD.could 英语翻译爱情究竟是什么?没人说的清楚.为什么会爱上这个人呢?为什么偏偏想要和他终老一生呢?这是到老都无法解决的问题,更何况是刚步入青春年华的我们.这时的我们可能还无法真正理解 英文翻译,谢.“我们还要感谢我们的后勤人员.” “我的电子相册地址”英语怎么讲? 我的天啊英文怎么说或者我的上帝英文如题 户籍科用英文怎么说? 户籍 用英语怎么说?户籍 用英语怎么说? "户口”用英语怎么说? 户口用英语怎么说? “户籍广州”的英文怎么说 当然的英文怎么说 ‘我真的不知道你到底在忙什么’英文怎么说 如何用英语翻译:现在系统正常了; 用英语翻译“只要我们能够正确使用手机就没有问题” 没问题的英文怎么写 永远都不是英文怎样拼 求英语翻译.和看下这个句子有没问题.Give me enough time, I will get what I want. 关于圣诞节的英语手抄报,给点文章就可以,要中英文双语的 用英语作自我介绍的演讲稿,和英语故事要求不要太长,带翻译. 首先让我做一下自我介绍 英语怎么讲?怎么样表述才更漂亮呢? 永远做最真的我这句话用英文怎么讲 或是:永远做最真的自己 “用我自己的经历说”用英文怎么讲? 我yao英文名,菠萝菠萝密我是个16岁的女生,陈涵,帮我起个英文名吧!要求:不得是随便翻字典找的到的,不能太普通了,要有寓意,我是双子座,最好是活泼,精灵,漂亮一点的!我一直想知道人家是怎 可以用菠萝蜜(jackfruit)做英文名吗?有什么意义吗?本来用的是Cherry,但朋友说菠萝蜜大气一些. 菠萝蜜的英文名称是什么?