
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/23 02:15:30
1码是多少米 梯形ABCD中,角ABC=90,AB=BC=2AD,P为梯形内一点,PA=1 PB=2 PC=3,求梯形ABCD面积AD平行于BC能否讲一下步骤? 1码是多少? 梯形ABCD中,角ABC=90,AB=BC=2AD,P为梯形内一点,PA=1,PB=2,PC=3,求梯形ABCD的面积 一码是多长 函数f(x)=4sin(2x+π/3)的一条对称轴方程为?A、x=π/3 B、x=π/6 C、x=π/12 D、0 什么的火苗?用什么形容词? f(x)=4sin(π/6-2x)的单调区间为 象声词 快!可以加悬赏 Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,∠A=60°,BC=4√3,求AC? 在RT△ABC中吗,若∠C=90°,∠A=60°,AC=20,则BC的长为 焦点看短轴两端点的视角为90°,则这个椭圆的离心率e的值为 求高手解答两题英语单选题(答好加分)①The meaning of the word "advise"is different from____ of the word 'insist".A.it B.that想问一下怎么区分二者.老师讲的时候只说 it特指同一件事物,that特指不同事物,在 高中椭圆的问题;椭圆的最大视角是不是经过短半轴到两焦点的夹角? 焦点在x轴上的椭圆上任意一点与两焦点连线所夹角的范围 x的6次方+1与x的4次方+x的2次方哪个大 雨巷逢着改为飘过说明了什么 园明园是由那三园组成 圆形是由什么组成的?另外再问一个,三角板中有几种不同形状的图形 介绍园明园的作文怎么写? 园明园是谁创造的? X+Y+Z=? 求x.y.z. 英语翻译Go to a quiet room and sit in any comfortable chair or couch.Although some people prefer to lie down,you are more susceptible to sleep than when sitting up.Whether you sit or lie,ensure you do not cross your legs or any part of your body. x+z/y=x+y/z=y+z/x=k x=y=z=1;x=y==z;x为多少 帮忙翻译下面英文(THANKS very much )Pauling began his faculty career at Caltech with a very productive five years,both continuing with his X-ray crystal studies and performing quantunm mechanical calculations on atoms and molecules.He publis 英语翻译Alongside the question of Britain’s role at the Disarmament Conference runs the question of successive British Government’s perceptions of the issue of disarmament itself.Was it,as Chaput concluded,a utopian concept which Britain was {-4又8分之5}+(-3.75)+{-2又8分之3}+{-3又4分之1} = = = 滤袋过滤速度大,用的滤料是不是越多呀 两道初中英语单选题,先谢谢在先1.I hear your friend is visiting San ya again.Is it second time for him? -Yes,and he will come for( ) time next springA.a third B.a second C.the third D.the second 这道题主 英语翻译邮件如下.是关于衣服样品的--不明白--求高人指点Olá boa tarde!O Sr,queira desculpar a demora,mas só foi possível agora ,o banco estava em grave e só retornou semana passada.Vou querer apenas03 vestidos por enquanto.Vo