
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 07:42:59
Say "please " when you ask____ something.(用介词填空) when you arre () trouble please ask help()us.A in;fromB in;forC on;fromD on;of Complete the passage with the correct form of the following words.count destroy enter finish hurry jump up knock like notice pick return tryOne day,a little girl called Goldilocks(1)________ some flowers in the forest.Then she (2)________ a house nea 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.Could you please ask him ( ) (call ) me tomorrow 2.I want ( )二.用所给动词的适当形式填空1.Could you please ask him ( ) (call ) me tomorrow 2.I want ( ) (visit ) the Great Wall .3.Your task is ( ) (f 括号中的内容在句中充当什么成分Could you ask him (to call me),please? 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.Could you please ask him ( ) (call ) me tomorrow 2.二.用所给动词的适当形式填空1.Could you please ask him ( ) (call ) me tomorrow 2.I want ( ) (visit ) the Great Wall . Can you ask him to call me,please? A.ring B.shout at C.know D.talk with 为什么墙面会开裂? 一列慢车与一列快车的速度比为4:6,它们同时从两地出发相向而行,离中点15千米的地方相遇,两地相距多少千如和理解这道题(答案每步的意思) 慢车与快车的速度比是4:6,两车同时从两地相向而行,在离中点15千米相遇,两地相距多少千米?仓库有一些货物,运出它的5分之3后,又运进20吨,这时仓库的货物正好是原来的2分之一,原来仓库有货 一列慢车与一辆快车速度比为4:6,它们同时从两地相向而行,在离中点15千米的地方一列慢车与一辆快车的速度比为4:6,它们同时从两地出发相向而行,在离中点15千米的地方相遇,两地相距多少 LG10——2.4A医用离心机怎么拆 Complete the following passage with the words or phases in the box.Each one can only be used once.A.friendly B.make C.find D.look for E.go F.useful G.enough H.in trouble I.movingYou may think there is nothing but sand in the desert of the world,but i 我要一段赞美竹子的话 写一句赞美竹子的话吧,我有急用! can you ____ him to call me back?sure.a.ask b.make c.let d.hope 快车从A地,慢车从B地同时出发相向而行,经过4小时相遇,相遇后两车仍 按原速度继续前进,又经过5小时慢车快车从A地,慢车从B地同时出发相向而行,经过4小时相遇,相遇后两车仍按原速度继 快车和慢车分别从AB两地同时开出,相向而行.经过5小时相遇.已知慢车从B到A用了12.5小时,慢车到A停留30分钟后返回.快车到B停留1小时后返回.两车从第一次相遇到第二次相遇共要多少时间? 快车,慢车分别从A.B两地同时出发,相向而行.已知快车,慢车的速度比是5:4,相遇时距离两地的中点24千米.相遇后,两车继续前行.当慢车行驶到两地中点时,快车行驶了多少千米? What should I do with this passage?Find out the main idea of each paragraph.什么意识?什么时态?这2句是思念意识?什么时态? --What should I do with this passage?--________ the main idea of each paragraphA.Finding out B.Found out C.Find out D.To find out 重点解释下A和D为什么不能选? --What should I do with this passage?--_(Find out)_ the main idea of each paragraph.AFinding BFound out CFind out DTo find out 老师说这句话是省略.省略了(you should)find out the main idea of each paragraph.那么为什么这里可以 you should do what you can do to deal with this problem同义句 you should __ __ __ ___ deal with this problem 依照例句,自选两种事物.造两个借物喻人、托物抒怀的警句.例:稻穗——空虚者的头总是昂得更高.篮球依照例句,自选两种事物.造两个借物喻人、托物抒怀的警句.例:稻穗——空虚者的头总 英语作文This is what i should do你认为应该在什么情况下帮助别人,你为别人做过什么,你帮助别人后的体会和感受 是要写英语作文,按照上面的要求,不少于100字 稻穗---空虚者的头总是昂的最高 仿写三个 描写竹子的名句 循环系统是由_______组成的封闭的_________,_____就在这个系统内循环流动. 循环系统是什么,由什么组成?还有呼吸系统里面又那些器官组成? 循环系统是由()和()组成的 在人循环系统中,以下结构中含有动脉血的是()A.右心室 B.肺动脉 C.肺静脉 D.右心房 将正方体切成8块大小相同的小正方体,小正方体表面积之和比原正方体多216CM2,则原正方体的体积是多少CM3