
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 12:25:59
When I saw Jane,I stopped and smiled,but she___me and walked onA refused B ignored C denied D missed 一群学生进行活动,男生戴白安全帽,女生戴红安全帽,男生看到的红白安全帽一样多,女生看到的白是红的2倍求学生多少人 When I told him the news ,he smiled and shook_____head A,his B,不填 成语()规()矩 成语 什么规什么矩 规规矩矩 铎 粤语怎么读铎字 粤语怎么读 铎 读什么字呀?各位兄弟姐妹.有谁知道“铎”这个读什么字呀? 铎怎么读? ”铎“怎么读? 作文《一直往前走》 在第七段(我们规规矩矩站着后加上我的心理活动描写),题目「难忘的一课」有什么含义那天的风雪真暴,外面像是有无数发疯的怪兽在呼啸厮打.大家都在喊冷,读书的心思似乎已被冻住.一 根据意思写词语:自然具备,生来就有( ) 形容很庄严,很认真,规规矩矩·郑重其事的样子( ) 写一篇国庆的假期见闻,300字就行 人一直往前走会走到哪里?会不会走出地球然后掉入太空? 英语选择题Weather______,the criket match will be played on Sunday.1.Dane was quite agrreable ____ my suggestion A:with B:to C:in D:about 2.Perhaps it is the desire for the chance of making an unexpected discovery ___ lures men down to th the football match will be held on October 10th?(改成一般疑问句)why don't you get your mother a present?(改为同义句)___ ___ ___ your mother a present? 规矩的矩读几声 我走过的时候他朝我微笑 He gave me a smile when I ___ ___ when he was —— (为.干杯)me,t gave him a hug my friend gave me a r(-----)/L(----)WHEN HE WENT OUT FOR A D(----) He gave me _____.A.a bread B.a piece of bread C.a piece bread D.some piece of bread 对括号里的单词填空 It's(seven fifteen) now Jack(plays his guiter)at nine o'clock改为一般疑问句Miss jones usually goes to work at seven改为同意句In the morning my father goes to the hotel by bus I will be home at seven o'clock.【汉译】在这里be home当什么讲? 用世风.规规矩矩.老泪纵横.三个词造句用三个词分别造句 怜惜,劝慰,振作,规规矩矩,胆怯,支支吾吾,怎么造句 最喜小儿无赖,溪头卧剥莲蓬.“剥”的意思 溪头卧剥莲蓬的卧剥是什么意思 溪头卧剥莲蓬中 卧剥 啥意思 He has made a great_____ in the past five years.He has made a great_____ (achieve)in the past five years.用适当形式填空 (The twenty-fifth of December) is Christmas Day.就括号部分提问.( )is Christmas Day? December the _____(twenty-five) is Christmas Day.