
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 13:26:33
she was really dragging her 急,急,急 英语翻译句中的these days为什么放在那个位置 江苏好吃的美食推荐,江苏有什么好吃的,推荐下?你可以去尝尝江苏南通的江海鲜吧,江鲜海鲜多了去了,至少吃他三天可以不重样的,去过个周末,或者小假期玩一下,非常适合.最近他们正要举办 商务英语证书在社会到底有什么作用 商务英语证书有什么用 The boy finally admitted ______ the window when ______ football.1.to have broken;playing2.having broken;played3.broke;played4.breaking;playing 商务英语证有什么用 鸢的拼音 sing a little ...,work a little...,do a little... class regulations require从句26.Class regulations require ___ is the last to leave the classroom _____ off all the lights.  A.who; should turn B.whom; shall turn  C.whomever; turns D.whoever; turn为什么选dwho呢?谁最后一个走,谁 ---Yao Ming got his left ankle injured and has not played since.---When was _______?---Yao Ming got his left ankle injured and has not played since.---When was _______?---_____ was on Nov.10th when Houston Rockets beat Washington Wizards.A.that; It B 鸢婺镡黧这四个字拼音如何拼 栀璃鸢年 拼音怎么拼 continue to do sth和continue doing sth有什么区别 His dream is ____ (become) a famous basketball player like Yi Jianlian. My dream is to be a s-------like english横线上填什么单词 broke的翻译 BEC中级难吗,词汇量什么的有什么要求啊,能求教下吗 You have been unable to escape Are your.美音中2个词都有【r】,读起来很累.是不是有什么规则在里面的啊?还有比如What colour are your...后面3个都是要翘舌头的,怎么办啊 vegetable ago bag change gentle again go page按读音分类 - - - - - - - -都是g 卷舌的问题!(不是中文南北音的卷舌,是基因遗传问题.)关于能卷舌的人,就是能把舌头在口腔里竖起来的人.我想问一下,有的人天生能够向左竖而不能向右竖,这是为什么.卷舌可以后天开发吗? vegetable音标 hills是什么意思啥意思啊? 请问Beverly Hills的英语意思是什么? beavely omotesando-hills是什么意思 fragraht 西京杂记 匡衡 字词翻译 Hearing the bad news,many people have_____(flee)from their homes. 21世纪人类可能面临的重大危机是 21世纪人类面临最大的危机是什么?