
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 20:57:51
微积分求容积An oil storage tank ruptures at time t = 0 and oil leaks from the tank at a rate of r(t) liters per minute.How much oil V leaks out during the first hour?(Give your answer to the nearest liter.) r(t)=85e^-0.01tV=?liters The mother asked her kids to stop____and___to her.B talking,listenC talking,listened选那个?为什么? Stray Birds 什么鸟? in 如果sina=1/5,且a为第二象限角,则sin(3派/2+a)= No one knows( )A.where is the book B.where the book is C.the book is where D.the book where is 求一部动画电影,讲四个科学家在地球上研制宇宙飞船冲出地球目的地好像是火星 1.No one knows___A.what he is writing about B.whose he writing toC.whom he is writingD.that he is writing with 黑格尔和尼采的主张有些什么不同?最好有生平和著作.谢谢. 六爻卦该怎么读? 英语翻译In this,as in so many other international standards activities,it is LC that often as not represents U.S.library interests 看看这个六爻卦出生:没填 年 性别:男 占事:值不值得和她进一步交往?公历起卦时间:2011年4月11日21时53分 (手工指定) 农历:辛卯年三月初九日亥时 清明:2011年04月05日11时46分 立夏:2011 六爻问卦主变卦 巽为风(巽宫) 之 天山遁(乾宫) [空亡:辰、巳]螣蛇 ━━━ 兄弟卯木 世 ━━━ 妻财戌土 勾陈 ━━━ 子孙巳火 ━━━ 官鬼申金 应 朱雀 ━ ━×妻财未土 ━━━ 子孙午火 英语翻译Address change requests need to be received by 7th of each month to be updated in time for the first paycheck of the month and by the 22nd of each month in order to be updated in time for the second paycheck of the month.All address chang 身似菩提树,心如明镜台,繁华浮世,故事几度沧桑~, 急求乔布斯去世的英文新闻,并带有录音的,如voa类型的新闻, “i wanna struggle” 可以解释为“我要奋斗”吗?struggle解释为斗争.在这里可以用作奋斗的意思吗?如果我要为学业为工作拼搏,为了激励自己“i wanna struggle” 是否合适?如果不合适那怎么说好? 英文翻译:她值得我去在乎,她值得我去奋斗. 是不是“she worths my care,she worths struggle."?在线等如果句子不对的话帮翻译下. We stop here all the well-being的中文意思是什么? We stop here all the well 英语翻译Only 34 percent strongly agreed that their children would be able to handle any inheritance they plan to leave them."There is an expectation about the wealthy parents thattheyhave a responsibility to pass down their fortune to the next ge 睡觉打呼噜英语怎么说? 打鼾用英语怎么说 做梦我在天上飞是什么意思 求高手帮我将短文翻成英文,不用翻译器的.要提起新疆,人们第一个要想起的一定会是新疆的烤羊肉串,在新疆,烤羊肉串是人人都喜爱吃的食物,在夏天,我们喜欢在下班时和朋友一起坐在夜市上 英语翻译Although he is one of China's most famous scientists,Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer,for he works the land to do his research.Indeed,his sunburnt face and arms and his slim,strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese f 英语翻译用自己的话翻译:something in stephen pearman's voice moved robert fredy one cold day two years ago.pearman had come close to fredy's car at a crossroad in new york city,hoping to earn some change by washing his windshield.fredy wave "Please struggle to free yourself.如果不对,请帮我写出正确祈使句. The struggle to succeed in competitive societies 英语范文 ,说下,大哥 我要的是英语范文 不是要题目的翻译 try英语怎么读 晚上睡觉老是打呼噜,应该怎么办呢? 晚上睡觉总是打呼噜,应该怎么办呢?