
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 16:24:45
创新使用成语 比较下列句子中所使用成语的意思与原意有何不同,并说说它们的表达效果.(一)孙小姐说,政治系教授在开会,满屋子的烟.方鸿渐笑道:“政治家在一起,当然是【乌烟瘴气】. mary said,"i can finish my homework today."变间接引语 会德语或者英语好的帮忙给德国足协写封信!大概是先恭维一下德国足球,再写对波多尔斯基的赞扬(前锋,可以百度之)(大概就是我很喜欢他),再写中国学生对他们的欢迎 大概是这样把,如 英语翻译是整篇的翻译- - A girl of books 怎么翻译? I will send some photos in my next picture.的意思要精确 Since you are not a child any longer ,you should behave like an adult,(保持句意不变Since you are ____ _______a child ,you should behave like an adult. Since you are an adult,you should be _________ of your parents’ help.A.energetic B.obvious C.independent D.religious Since you are an adult ,you should be of your parent's help.空出来的那个有四个选项 A,selected B,elected C,independent D,religious <花样年华>插曲”Quizas”字面是什么意思?还有《Yumejis Theme》、《Aquellos Ojos Verdes》、《Te Quiero Dijiste》能否一起解释一下... 花样年华插曲quizas的介绍包括唱的人拉.什么什么之类的.就是要介绍拉. Be wise like an adult ,think like a child I Love You For My system跟of还是for 苏格拉底之死 他被多少票投死的? So many problems!I'm too tired.You should try to _______them by yuorself .You're not a child anylonger.A.get over B.get off C.get on D.get into这里应该选什么呢? You are not a child___and you should do everything by yourself.为什么答案是any more不是any longer 动物如何清理自己的卫生,请举下例子.什么动物都如何清理自己的卫生.狗,猫,还有其它的动物.能帮解决一下吗?是否能够回答的详细一点! 苏格拉底之死说明了古希腊民主制度的什么状况? Just remember in the winter 啥子意思 This school wants to tell kids the importance of caring about the environment什么意思? Stamps collecting can help kids to learn about the world.First (英语阅读全文) 英语 怎样回答Ought he to finish his homework his hat was pulled down over his face to protect it from the sun.明白语义上it指的是face,但语法上it指的是主语hat吧~为什么指的是face呢? I fell flat on my face,on the sharp gravel,and slid a few feet down the small hill.I completely unrecognizable compared to the well-groomed woman I used to know.She'd aged a good twenty-five years in just two months.Her signature red curls were carel 铝条自动折弯机哪里有卖 历史知识如何归纳归纳法和讲述,结合历史知识 2011或2010 中国 上海 松江 分别的恩格尔系数以及全国恩格尔系数最高和最低的国家 作文要求叙述个人对道路交通安全知识,道路交通管理和交通安全宣传教育等方面的人士,经历及感受,要求原 I have to do the weekly shopping and pick up the kids from school and make sure they do their homework. As a long long time ago..As a long long time ago..这话可以这么说吗?如果不可以是错在哪了? What does the WNBA do to make an emotional connection with their fans?(i.e.community interaction?social media?or something else?) Thx guys.