
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 18:28:49
合并句子 1.What will happen tomorrow?Nobody knows.2.What class are they in?He asked me.3.Does her father work in the factory?Could you tell me?4.The teacher says to us"you must get to school on time."5.Will he come here tonight?I'm not sure.6."I' hear me和listen to me有什么联系和区别?歌里常听到HEAR ME...(一种呼唤的感觉...)我指的是Hear me.这句话,而不是词组. 英语翻译My sister and I grew up in a little village in England.Our father was a struggling 36 ,but I lways knew he was 37 .He never criticized us,but used 38 to bring out our best.He’d say,“If you pour water on flowers,they flourish.If you do 英语翻译约300多字 英语翻译Born with a racket in his hand,Roger Federer's family was just a short walk from a local stadium.His monther recalled,"Roger just picked up the racket and started playing.He loved the sport from the beginning."Federer wsa good at skiing , that has lots of "She's small and dark," he said,"and nineteen years old and very neat in the way she walks.She has a face," he said,thinking a minute,"that has lots of spirit.I mean she can get mad but she never stays mad for long,and her eyebrows c That‘s no my bed 改错 lots of和a lot of的区别 一份耕耘一份收获,用英语怎么说? 一份耕耘,一份收获 什么意思? "一份耕耘一份收获"用英语怎么翻译? 一份耕耘,一份收获的英文 一份耕耘一份收获 翻译英文是什么 英语翻译中文影评:说完了电影情节,下面说电影的思考.看的时候我以为电影会讨论Tess因为孤独而出轨让Sam伤心欲绝,而她没有.我以为机器人Gerty会为公司的利益而叛变他的主人Sam,然后他没 英语翻译it was a labour goreign decretary,ernest bevin,who opeded diplo matic relations between the UK and China in january 1950.we were the first western country to recognise the people's republic of china and the longevity of our relationship d that is none of your of busines that is none of your of busines 后面还有一句 如果可以 再见了 到底怎么意思啊 None of that matters 还有GUY可数吗? 穆罕默德在阿拉伯历史发展进程中的主要贡献有哪些 "...Men are at the mercy of events and cannot control them.刚刚考完纽约regent,被最后一道作文题难住了.寻求对这句话的解释:"...Men are at the mercy of events and cannot control them. I like action movies .______exciting!I like action movies .______exciting!横线上填什么,It's还是They're ,为什么? 英语翻译the best and the worst jobsthere are lots of jobs which we can do,some are just ordinary jobs and others are careers.but each person likes something different.My favorite job is that of an artist.you can make beautiful things and you don' 英语翻译Some nations pride themselves on having a clear and logical languages.The French,for example,point to their language as being the clearest and most logical in the world.The Germans,similarly,tend to point to their own language as the best Let,s watch something exciting like an adventure film 译中文 英语翻译So if you’re toobusy,maybe it’s time you slowed down and enjoyed a meal with a friend.Therehas been a new trend(趋势)in food recently — getting away from fastfood and moving toward “slow food”.For years,the pace of life wa Enjoy yourself but do not always do that,i suggest you should find some important tings to do to谁懂英语, something exciting 和exciting something 哪个对?Bob ,I have ___to tell you 中填something exciting 还是exciting something 英语翻译李清照词的个性特色—以李清照词中的“酒”为研究对象李清照是我国文学史上具有代表性的优秀女作家之一,是极少数女文中的佼佼者,她以多方面的才能,独创的艺术风格和独特的 friendship is like money为什么用is,去掉Is 用likes 可以吗 friendship likes money,easier made than kept中文意思是什么? Friendship is like money : easier made than kept 这个什么意思?解释下 friendship is like money:easier made than kept.为什么用kept? 请帮忙翻译一下这篇文章.谢谢.My work keeps me in Hong Kong most of the year,but I do try to get away for a month in summer—usually July. Now as you probably know that's the main holiday season in Europe,the favorite places for holiday a 每一篇文章我都听不懂,又是地名,又是人名,我要疯了.我可以不可以先查词了,再去听,我前些天试试了,效果不错,不知道这样可行不可行.那要重复练习某一篇多久啊?复述多久才行?