
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 05:44:22
Just now the teacher presented ______________.A.some flowers her B.her some flowers C.some flowers with her D.her with some flowers 生物化学科普文章怎么写啊,有什么格式啊 He needs ___ time ____ his homework A to spend; doing B spend ; doing C spend ;to do ( ) 8.The boy didn’t find his pen,so he had to write his letter ________ his pencil.A.used B.use use D.using — —(务必)that you should give back the books before next week. 求几篇关于化学的文章? 化学文献应该怎么学? 或者有没有题目 或者 参考书? How could you lie to me?You were not at home at that time.这个句子对吗?how是不是应该换成why? Mr wang made up his mind to devote all the time he could spare_his oral English before going adroad为什么填to improving,不填to improve.--to his research work the professor cared little about any other things.为什么填Devoted This artist made up his mind to devote all he could_____ his English before going abroadimproing 我不太理解 Mr.Wang made up his mind to devote all he could ___ his oral English before going abroad.A.improve improve C.improving improving 英语会话怎么样 初中的平面几何怎么学啊我初中这块特费劲还没太整明白,尤其是添加辅助线的方法.高中之后我解析、导数那些都整的还不错,但是4-1平面几何证明选讲的题我一看就头大.我半天找不着相似形 怎样快速提初中高物理化学成绩? 初二英语报纸完形填空 花坛是一种古老的花卉应用形式,它的发源地是: 一方阵花坛共20层,最里层有76株花草,求花草的总株数. 东方实用英语教学特色是什么? can后必须接动词原形吗?这是什么语法 东方实用英语的特色课程是什么? My English teacher is Julie Smith.We all call her ______.My English teacher is Julie Smith.We all call her _____.A.Mr Smith.B.Mrs Jnlie C.Miss Smith D.Ms Julie 错误地英文怎么说?除了falsely 和 mistakenly还能怎么说啊要副词哦~~~~~~~下面说的很多形容词好象没法变成副词 你说的英文有问题 英文怎么说 a data subject is an individual who is the subject of pesonal data,翻译 用英文说:我绝没有问题 怎么说?意思是,对未来要做的某件事自己一定能成,绝对没问题,我会把它弄好,用地道的英文怎么说最好?Thanks. Hundred of students came to Shaoxing to work ___ the World Chair Games in 2010.Hundred of students came to Shaoxing to work ___ the World Chair Games in 2010A at B with C for D on 1.__you understand the rule,you will have no further difficulty. A once B though c until D unles _______ you understand this rule,you’ll have no further difficulty.A.WhileB.UnlessC.ThoughD.OnceA为什么不选,A可以理解为当你理解规则时,你将不会再有困难? ( )you understant this rule ,you'll have no further difficulty.怎么填? 国家主席会见外国领导人是用英语还是有翻译 英语翻译国家领导人出国 一般带几个翻译,考虑个小问题 如果只带一个翻译万一他/她 出啥问题不能正常工作 那怎么办 是不是得带两个翻译呀? 英语翻译美国人也就算了,可是中国领导人他就算是领导人,可从小也是学英语长大的,毕竟学了大半辈子英语,和美国人会晤,还需要翻译?