
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 15:57:06
翻译文章 I can’t remember when I started collecting litter. But it was when I got tired of seeinglitter nearby and realized that no one else was going to pick it up. I lived near a forest in Ohio, America. I can walk there in three minutes! 夏朝前是禅让制但后来是家天下制,历史认为这是一种进步,为什么 为什么说世袭制代替了禅让制,公天下变家天下是一种进步?这不是不利于人民的生活吗?照常理来说是退步的、、、 I( )to keep in touch with my friends through e-mail.怎么填?1.acquaint with 2.prefer 3.offer 4.attitude 5.shake 6.especially 7.apologize 10.on her way 11.promising 12.punish 宝宝就广东话怎么说(急)宝宝用广东话怎么说 有人提问 说我说对了 就给我奖励.各位哥哥姐姐们 不是BB 粤语里头有一个词是照顾、照看小孩的意思的发音类似于cou人 the yong to marry me.中文意思是什么 I meet a girl who i want to marry.the first time. 下列诗歌表达诗人忧国忧民情怀的是A.杜甫B.王勃《送杜少府之任蜀州》C杜牧《泊秦怀》D李商隐《夜雨寄北》 反映诗人忧国忧民情怀的诗 春望中描写诗人忧国忧民的句子 急 写作业那大家帮帮忙 There ________some writing paper on my desk.A is B are C am D werewriting paper是可数还是不可数名词?如果是可数,单数和复数一样吗 I will marry Miss Marsh next month marry可以替换成什么 Li Ming (will) be (bad) (on)( English) because he is very lazy,括号中那个地方错了?怎么改 He is pretty h because of his good eating habits 文言文“以”造句,要用“以”造8个句子,用文言文中的“而”造5个句子 请写出一句体现了忧国忧民的情思的诗句,并用其造句谢谢了, 用关于忧国忧民的句子造句对不起 用关于忧国忧民的诗句 造句 翻译:Ask people not to spit on the road. Mrs Green bought _____ new furniture for her son.A.many B.a few C.a lot D.much I bought her a bike yesterday.(改为同义句) I bought a bike ____ _____yesterday. Duty is a power which rises with us in the morning and goes to rest with us at night.的意思以及Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.The brightest future will be based on a forgotten past,you can't go on well in life until you let g Mrs.Chen goes to the flower market ____ every morningA earlierB earlyC earliestD later With the help of your d____,I find Mrs Wang easily.要求在空格内填上d开头的单词,最好是初一的词汇. good morning,i‘ve got an appointment with mrs king morning.you-——be mr jones,this way pleaseA will Bmust C can 请帮忙说明为什么其他两项不可以、、 填空4个字的词语概括( )的肖邦填空4个字的词语概括( )的肖邦填空4个字的词语概括( )杜甫 快,2分钟之内 为什么大寒比冬至冷啊. ( )的肖邦(填四字词语或成语)关于爱国的 肖邦的肖组词是什么 Mrs black often goes there____buy food.A and B for C on B______ breakfast,father often goes for a walk 演讲比赛比较好的朗诵文章?不要太长的.有对话的最好.