
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 19:02:14
Mr.Chen is ____ principal of our school用冠词填空 chen ____teaches in our schoolA no longer B not longer C doesn't longer要解释为什么 Mr Li is one of the best_______in our school(teach)我填teacher老师说不对啊 积累好词好句古诗 关于雨的诗句,好词好句 when trouble comes your friends are the ones who will be there 翻译成中文 指教. 英语阅读:true friends are hard to find.often you will find that there may btrue friends are hard to find.often you will find that there may be someone who you thought you could trust but who may have let you down.a tuue friend is someone who will 和(4声)组词8点之前回答.是4声,不是2声. A true friend always ﹝keeps secrets﹞提问 There is nothing else in the fridge写出同义句He is﹝tall and always wears a pair of glasses﹞提问 句子翻译成英文1May对别人很慷慨 2成龙从不说别人的坏话 3 因为下雨我们 水能燃烧吗? 请问Mr,Green is teaching _______ English in our school.A.us B.our C.ours选哪一个?为什么? 文言文短语翻译【高分】1.壮观2.远远望去3.如同4.屹立5.附近6.周围的人7.确实(的确)8.第二天然后问个问题:说如此和说这般有没有什么不同. 英语翻译幼吾幼,以及人之幼;老吾老,以及人之老.孟尝君怪其疾也.于是国人莫敢言.方其系燕父子以组.微指左公处.食之,比门下之客.原庄宗之所以得天下.(推究)使皇武子辞焉.大军不知广 英语翻译1将军既帝室之胄2既而得其尸于井3肴核既尽,杯盘狼藉4壬戌之秋,七月既望.苏子与客泛舟6金就砺则利7连辟公府不就8当“日知其所亡”以就懿德9已股落腹裂,斯须就毙10若无罪而就死 英语There is no y in happiness,There is i.There is no y in happiness,There is i.你们怎么理解 不是翻译! 电影《当幸福来敲门》里面的"There is no Y in happiness,there is I" 晕字组词,注意晕是第4声. 处组词(第3声和第4声 ) There is an I in "happiness".There is no Y.It is an I.是什么意思 用为的第4声组词dfsfstreyrt There is no way to happiness,happiness is the way! 供能组什么词(第4声) 载第4声组词 We shall call on her as soon ____.A.as she will come B.as she came C.as she comes D.she comes为什么不是C呢 请问二氧化碳能与镁条反应吗?是镁在二氧化碳的燃烧吗? co2燃烧释放出什么 A水能凝固成冰 B纸燃烧生成二氧化碳和水 C双氧水遇二氧化锰能分解生成水和氧气 D铁加热后变成了铁水以上描述属于化学性质的是 you will always in my heart,no matter how the time goes by是什意思..急用. No matter what, you’ll always be in my heart You’ll always be my baby是什么意思哦? As soon as I_in America,I will give you a call.A.arrive B.get C.go D.reach Tim will call me as soon as he__my package.A.receive B.will receive C.received D.receives 说明一下相关语法以及理由, 假如声的传播速度是1米没秒 ,那会出现什么现象块