
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 08:42:12
希望大家帮忙翻译一句英文,非常感谢.i knew how to make a book, screen print flat colors, and become a samurai with an Xacto knife. 若a的立方=a,则a=;若三次根号a=a,则a= 英语翻译: the initial bona fide offering (应该是和发行证券有关) 英语翻译:Non-Offering Prospectus和Offering Prospectus应该怎么翻译? 英文翻译,急用~ offering stage什么意思?Are you interviewing elsewhere? If yes, is it in offering stage? How attractive is it to you?英文简历中遇到的,不晓得offering stage什么意思感觉翻译的都不太合适:如果参加过 证券英语翻译:have sufficient capacity under the shelf to conduct the offering(这里的shelf是募集资金中涉及到的“上架登记”中的)请对这方面有一些了解的人帮我看看. what do you think is the most beautiful place in china and why请用英语作答 China has the most people in the worldThe population of China is larger than ___ ___ any other country in the world 英语选择题I'm a Chinese and I think Chinese language is a most beautiful languageI'm a Chinese and I think Chinese language is a most beautiful languagemost beautiful language ,为什么 英语翻译The table below gives the value of these properties for var-ious encoding schemes.Note that there are many variationsof each scheme.For example,we experimented with threeversions of dictionary encoding before settling on the onedescribed 英文谜语why is a pig the most unusual animal in the world?why is a pig the most unusual animal in the world? Because it is killed before it is cured (烧烤待处理).这个谜语答案是什么意思啊?有人看的懂吗? 英语作文题目:How to protect endangered animal in the world如今有许多动物都濒临灭绝,请以上面的题目写一篇80字的短文谈谈你的想法,内容自由发挥~ 开头为we find different kinfs of animals in the world"的英语文章,带翻译的 三角形ABC,O为BC中点,过O直线交直线AB,AC于M,N若向量AB=m向量*AM,向量AC=n*向量AN,则m+n的值在这个解法上,“延长AO至A'使AO=A'O,链接A'C交MN 于M'三角形OBM 与三角形OCM'全等,BM= CM'三角形NAM 与三角形NCM' 在三角形ABC中,M是BC中点,AM=3,BC=10,则向量AB.向量AC=? 在三角形ABC中,点O是BC的中点,过点O的直线交AB,AC于不同的两点M,N.若AB向量等于m倍AM,AC向量等于n倍AN求m+n的值 给“假”换个偏旁,组成另外的字,再组成合适的词语填在句子中.1.玛瑙那()的色彩常常引得我驻足观赏.2.各型形各色的灯笼,让我(). 英语翻译不要中式翻译 像 happily go to work,safely return home and smile every day.最好是符合英语思维 英语翻译我想知道(现在的我很幸福,我的幸福与谁无关,不过我还是开心的微笑)的英文怎么写啊! 在三角形ABC中,点O是BC的终点,过O的直线分别交直线AB、AC于不同的两点M、N,若向量AB=m向量AM,向量AC=n向量AN,求m+n的值 在三角形ABC中,已知O是BC的中点,过O的直线分别交AB的延长线和AC于点M,N若向量AB=M向量AM,向量AC=N向量AN,则M+N=? 在三角形ABC中,M是BC的中点,AM=1,点P在AM上且满足ap=2pm(向量),则pa.(pb+pc)等于帮算算,给给点详细不骤 英语回答What animal do you think is the most attractive?Explain.是用英语回答这个问题! ( )( )( )animal do you think is the most dangerous What do you think is the most dangerous way to travel and why 英语回答几句 the most important invention in the world 英语作文.根据所给问题写作文 1、What do you think is1、What do you think is the most important invention in the world?2、Why do you think so Introduce the invention to us.明天要期末考.给 在△ABC中,M是BC的中点,AM=3,BC=10,则向量AB*向量AC=? 在△ABC中,点O是BC的中点,过点O的直线分别交直线AB,AC不同的两点M,N若向量AB等于m乘于向量AM向量AC等在三角形ABC中,点O是BC的中点,过点O的直线分别交直线AB,AC不同的两点M,N若向量AB等于m乘于向 Lt is said that one of the most beautiful parts of Hawaii ______ the people.A to be B is C are some people say that vancouver is one of the most wonderfui cites in the world You that I have seen the most beautiful people! Play is an important part of life.Some people ever think that the purpose of life is play.Most Ame