
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 18:55:44
fat怎么读? fat boy 怎么读 英语fat怎么读 周润发的英文Chow Yun-Fat怎么读?希望能给出音标,给的音标要让我看的懂,反正就是要让我会读那名字就行了,给不给音标无所谓了. 打 字真顽皮,在不同的词语中,意思也不同,1.打伞()2.打鱼()3.打球()4.打电话()5.打酱油()6.打毛衣 口语交际 怎样劝说同学利用午休时间不要去网吧 英语翻译凯瑟琳为丈夫在医学研究上的成就感到十分骄傲. 五年级下册劝说同学不要去网吧的对话 英语大手来看看every morning,We are asked if we____ (have)taken our temperture 这里的are是不是没有还有横线上填什么 fat 后现代艺术对我们生活的影响是一篇议论文中的《波普,后现代,我们的当代生活》 英语大手来到底是need to do 还是need do sth刚刚查了有的说没有need do sth有的说有 哪句英语是对的?请高说手进.1,I perfer watching TV rather than reading a book.2,I prefer to watch TV rather than read a book.这两句话哪句是对的呢?还是都对呢?并解释语法现象, 仿写陋室铭,关于劝同学不沉迷网吧的 大手来 英语Are you willing ------(give) seat to people on the bushe looks strong because of -----(run) every dayplease try your best------ (make) your ronnm ------(look) hisHe misses ---(catch) yhe early busHe looked---(happy) because he (lose ) 光对鼠妇生活的影响一般采用的研究方法在探究 光对鼠妇生活的影响 时,一般采用的研究方法是( )A调查法B模拟实验法C观察和实验法D资料分析法 We will visit yungang tomorrow.划线部分是 visit yungang . They will visit Hainan soon等于什么?同意句.. put sb in jail i will put you in touch with sb 有些什么词组:put in 还是in touch?或者其它, two year's time前加什么介词?整句话是:he will return________two year's time.横线上填什么? 求editors的《two hearted spiders》和《what is this thing called love》两首歌曲歌词的中文翻译 what is this called? what is this breakfast fruit called? 问答式英语作文根据下面提示,写一篇意思连贯的短文.不少于60词.1.Where did you spend your holiday?(Beidaihe)2.Whom did you go with?(friends)3.Was it a lovely place?(yes,enjoy oneself very)4.What did you do there?(in the daytime Now writer a certificate based on the following information颁证机构名称:上海技师学院被受证书者姓名:王强颁证事由:王强完成了三年制大专学习所规定的要求.学会委员会经审核,同意授予其电子工程 英语作文答案假期马上到了,你和家人打算乘飞机去北海.你非常激动.在那里,你们打算打沙滩排球、游泳等.你们将在那里呆一个星期.假期结束后你讲把照片带给同学们看.就此写一篇作文,大 when it was our____to say our final goodbye to Grandpa.A.duty B.turn When it was our turn to say __ final goodbye to Grandpa A.we B.us C.our选哪个? 翻译when our flight was announced, Who do you think will take ____office next month and become ______president of that country.A the ,a B 不填,不填,C不填,a D不填,the who do yuo think will become___president of that country?答案为不填,但同一本辅导书另一处明确 出become后的表语前要接冠词,哪一个对,谢谢啦