
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 19:25:35
《托福官方指南第三版》《Official Guide to the New TOEFL® iBT 新托福官方指南》有什么区别还有 求问TOEFL Official Guide第二、三版区别托福官方指南 第二版 和 第三版有什么内容区别?第三版加了什么,又删了什么,价格是多少,现在到书店能买到第三版吗? because i have 请问托福的OFFICIAL GUIDE在哪里可以买得到呢?网上有卖么?这本书的全称是什么呢? i know,you have another girlfriend.可以这样说吗?有没有语法问题? toefl official guide的分数有参考价值吗我准备考托福,今天就用这个软件自测了以下,结果听力22(61%),阅读22(52%),这东西有参考价值吗,听说这个和真题比简单多了 I am going to tell you about my dad. No one knows what the life____without waterA.would be like B.would like C.like D.would be liked who knows what is the life? I have no idea what life would be like without water.The university part means"---"A.don't remember B.don‘t know C.don't believe D.don't expect 郑伯克段于鄢的内容 “不如早为之所”——《郑伯克段于鄢》RT,句中的“为”什么意思、?读第几声? 可否再帮我一个忙:What always has one eye open but can't see?,答案是needle. China will always do what she has promised to do One has to look at it in the context that the clients can only afford to pay what ...One has to look at it in the context that the clients can only afford to pay what their pockets will stand. not to know what happened befor one was born is always to be a chilld是什么 英语翻译庐山草堂记 白居易 匡庐奇秀,甲天下山.山北峰曰香炉峰,北寺曰遗爱寺.介峰寺间,其境胜绝,又甲庐山.元和十一年秋,太原人白乐天见而爱之,若远行客过故乡,恋恋不能去.因面峰腋寺, i _you a happy new yearHope wish except ask 选哪个 I_____you a Happy New Year.A.want B.would like C.hope D.wish I"m going to _____(tell) Becky about my school. he is going to tell me all about it [改为否定句】he--going to tell me all about it 关于“苏秦游楚”的翻译题 “秦及夜出书读之.夜深欲睡,以锥刺其股.” 若P(x-2,x+1)在x轴上,则点P到原点的距离为? 有图,好人有好报♥ 初中英语34. Can you give me some sdvice on ____ to improve my Chinese?A what B why C how 请翻译句子和选项并加以说明原因谢谢 was so serious a matter that i had no choice but_____the police为什么不可以选择calling in 而要选择to call in我英语不好啊谁能帮我解释一下, 求指导 that was so serious a matter that I had no choice butthat was so serious a matter that I had no choice but _____the policeA) called in B)calling in C)call in D)to call inA错在哪里 前面不都是 was had 这样的词吗 Never mind ,I am still by your side ,still .. 微积分求 立体体积我想知道遇到算体积首先应该是干什么,是画图还是用公式.有没有什么通俗易懂的方法.绕X轴旋转和绕Y轴旋转有什么区别?再请帮忙算两题y=2x-x^2 ,y=x,绕X轴x=y^2 ,y=x^2 绕Y轴 用微积分方法解立体图形的体积求此图形和y=1,x=0围成图形绕y=1 后形成新图形的体积 用微积分求出的立体体积的精确度是多少? 请问祖父的园子作者是谁