
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 00:28:56
中的引号为什么是这样子的?是这个 老人点了点头,说:“是的,那是30年前的事了。有一年初春,我背这枝猎枪,在贝尔湖畔的沼泽地打野鸭。那年的春天来得特别早,一些候鸟从南方飞来 The boy _____ (sit) beside me and asking the way to the police station.说明原因 we walked as fast as we could ,( )to catch the train.A hoping B to hope C hoped D being ...we walked as fast as we could ,( )to catch the train.A hoping B to hope C hoped D being hoped 选什么?为什么? 矩形的两条对角线的夹角为60°,一条对角线与短边的和是15,对角线长是多少,两边长分别等于多少 翻译 One you can't wait to get past,the other you wish would linger forever. Though he was angry at the naughty boy's rudeness,he__himself and talked to him with patience.A.pThough he was angry at the naughty boy's rudeness,he__himself and talked to him with patience.A.persuaded B.prepared C.relaxed D.happy Though he () of the danger,()the naughty boy didn't listen to meA was warned;yet Bwarned;/ Cwas warned;but Dis warning;/ (p )at the naughty son,mother was too angry to say a wold开头是P的这个单词应该填什么? 听到一首比较high的歌 高潮连续唱 the beauty and beast 不是动画片的主题曲啊!是首节奏欢快的 比较有激情的 有人知道嘛 英语四级作文帮忙改错(在麻烦写出正确的语句和错误原因)~可以的话在评个分,就按四级的标准~1.一些学生不重视课本2.如何最好的利用课本 Nowadays ,an increasing number of students seem to attach less roller weight怎么翻译 英语翻译1) According to sample N° 1 attached :a) - VISCOSE Ne 1/30 / LYCRA 20den (SINGLE JERSEY):Ø 36" -GG 28- GREY WEIGHT :140g/m2 - width ±125cm (Finishing width 160/165gsm)b) - VISCOSE Ne 1/30 / LYCRA 20den :Ø 36" - GG 28 -BLEA 公司名称请帮助译成英文请帮忙把“铜陵有色金翔物资有限责任公司”翻译成英文,用在厂房门口形象墙上的,上面是中文,下面是英文,其中铜陵是城市名称. 求把公司名称译成英文“郑州三晖电气股份有限公司” 若菱形ABCD的周长喂40厘米,AC为10厘米,则角BCD等于多少?角ABC等于多少 I hope i'll with if you are caught driving after dringking,the fine shall be paid.为什么用shall 求词语以下几种词汇求AA.AABB ABCC ABAC式词各三个 I shall be glad when all these debts are paid up.翻译 矩形ABCD中,AC,BD交O,AF垂直BD垂足为F, 已知在矩形ABCD中,AC、BD交于点O,AF⊥BD垂足为F,∠BCD的角平分线交FA的延长线于点E.求证:AC=AE 英语翻译 已知:如图,矩形ABCD中,AC与BD交于点O,AF垂直BD,垂足为F,角BCD的角平分线交FA的延长线于点E.求证:AC=AE快啊,明天要交,不然,小命不保. have other fish to 红军长征应用英文怎么说红军就是RED ARMY吗? 中国远征军 用英文怎么说 in basic research,where the object is to understand how引导词为什么是where SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[#TEMPID1]') AND type in (N'U')sys.objects ,OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[#TEMPID1]'); type in (N'U');各部分什么意思? It' s gotten to the pot where every time I drive past a cemetery,I'm sportin' a partial.How I met your mother 第5季第2集 00:16:13 在矩形ABCD中,沿对角线BD把三角形BCD折起,使C移到c',且BC'垂直于AC'(1)求证:平面AC'D垂直于平面ABC';(2)若AB=2,BC=1,求三棱锥C'-ABD的体积 为什么当等差数列的项数为奇数时 S奇-S偶=中间项? Resuscitated Hope 究竟怎么翻译比较贴切