
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 01:20:07
百灵鸟和小鸟 从这个故事中受到了什么启发 有一道很纠结的题= =是先有的鸡,还是先有的蛋?这道题纠结我3年了- - 一道纠结的题一天,A,B,C三人去购物,看见D在售货,原价10元,要收摊了,所以只要5元,ABC三人都是一张2元,且D也没有零钱找,三人觉得6元买也算便宜,就出了6元买走了.三人走后,D越想越觉得过不去, 关于一道甚是纠结的题目汽水饮料没什么能促进植物对钙镁的吸收.碳酸钙不是不溶的吗我字打错了,是为什么 一道让我极为纠结的题目啊小王驾车在公路上匀速行驶,他看见里程碑上的数是两位数;一小时以后看到里程碑上的树恰是第一次看到的数颠倒了顺序的两位数;再过一个小时后,第三次看到 vertical-tangent是什么意思 怎么开工作单位证明 分运动与合运动都是实际的吗,都同时存在吗?就如同分力与合力一样 补全对话HI,this is liu yun .I'm going to_____ a busy weekend!______ Satur-day,I'm going to the bookstore _____subway.I'm going to ________ buy a new CD ______ some story - books.Then,I'm going to ______ home and _____ the new books._______sunday, 一:词汇题1)Having decided to rent a flat,we__contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city.A)set upB)set down C)set out D)set about 2)When he realized the police had spotted him,the man__the exit as quickly asp as it is considered unlucky for anyone living to eat it.这里的as和for分别是什么用法 It is usually considered that living with disability is ____.a.challenged and frustrated b.challenged and frustratingc.challenging and frustratedd.challenging and frustrating此题答案为A 为什么 这句话中的主语和宾语分别是什么?The boy was caught stealing. it is considered unluckly for someone aliving to eat it. 好简单~可否可以改成以下:It is considered unlucky for someone aliving's eating it.其实我就想把 to eat 改成 eating,应该如何改? 七十六中签洪武看牛本人求子求解释诗曰鱼龙混杂意相同耐守深潭待运通不觉一朝头耸出禹门一跳过龙门午宫 是谁知道洪武其牛的大钱一个明朝的大钱是牧童其牛吹萧的样子 观音灵签 七十六签 洪武看牛 求事业,现在任职某一公司,想离开公司自已创业!时机还未成熟吗?还要等下去吗?什麼时候才是适当机会... 1 2=2 1 那么我爱你=你爱我吗?3Q爱一个人真的好疲惫?我好累? 1.The room is _____ clean ______ bright.A) whether … or B) either … or C) not only … but also D) as … as 2.We are looking forward to _____ them on Thursday evening.A) see B) being seen C) seeing D) have seen 3.He is angry because my marks are 设计一个对话,用上wash the dishes,feed the dog,cook dinner,go to the library,do his homework,人物:Liu Xing and his mother. 请大家帮我解决几道英语作业What’s this ()Japanese?A.of B.to C.inIs this your()?A.a watch B.watch C.watches()are good friends.A.Me and Tom B.Tom and I C.I and Tom-Thank you very much.-() A.All right B.Don’t thank me C.T 如图,点A、B、C、D在一条直线上,EA垂直AD,FB垂直AD,垂足分别为A、B,角E=角F.CF与DF平行么?为什么? 如图,点A,B,C,D在一条直线上,EA⊥AD,FB⊥AD,垂足分别为A,B,∠E=∠F.CE与DF平行吗?为什么? 如图,点abc在同一条直线上,ea⊥ad,fb⊥ad,垂足分别为a,b∠e=∠f.ce与df是否平行?为什么?如图,点a,b,c,d在同一条直线上,ea⊥ad,fb⊥ad,垂足分别为a,b∠e=∠f.ce与df是否平行?为什么?用因为所以回答 如图 点ABC在一条直线上,EA垂直AD FB垂直AD 垂足分别为AB 角E等于角F CE玉DF平行吗 为什么 蒙古铁骑为何能横扫亚欧大陆 请教这个句子的时态?could you please give me further explanation?During that period a social worker will report on how the boy is being cared for. 直线a与平面α不垂直,则a与平面α内的所有的直线都不垂直? Have you got any___questions?A.further B.farther C.worse D.else 企业用转账支票支付前欠供货单位的货款.对于该项经济业务,如果企业采用专用记账凭证,应当填制转账凭证.是错的,为什么? “美人迟暮”是什么意思?拜托各位了 3Q 小海龟为什么"把它的脑袋伸出沙面"只要十几字