
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 13:54:38
懂粤语和英语的大神帮忙改个英文名吧尹荧荧 = =谐音一点的 光翻译过来也好 相近一点就好 TxT 麻烦哪位懂粤语和英语的高手忙我取个英文名我的名字是 谭钦子 想改个英文名 英文名的译音和我的名字粤语读法接近的 顺便还有这个名字 刘梓音ps 新人 希望大家见谅 改英文名(有关粤语)有乜嘢英文名与浩然粤语发音相近Sorry, 蓝色有什么含义,都代表什么? "This is a book of mine."和"This is a book of me."哪句话对?为什么? 在哪学英语比较好? it's been a long time since I------.How are you?A.had last seen you B.sawyou last C.have least seen you D.last was seeing you —Long time no see!—Oh,it like years since I last saw you.A.looks B.seems Is this your book?的肯定回答 is this your book?(肯定回答) Is this your book?与Is this book jim's?区别Is this your book?Is this book jim's?这句可以写成Is this jim's book?如果不可以,是不是表达具体是哪个指定人的东西时就要把人放在东西后面呢? 蓝色代表什么意思呢? is this your book?为什么this前面用is?快速回答! 有一首英文歌歌词有You don't love me,you don't. 有一首英文歌 其中一直在重复 I don't care是个女的唱的 estelle是什么意思?取自哪里?是不是希腊文里的星星的意思啊? Estelle 中文怎么说 estelle希腊语怎么读啊 求设计一个英文签名--estelle it is a long time since l last saw you__________ 为什么填at Mrs.Max's the book seller's 而不是 at Mrs.Max's the book seller 求歌名,有首歌好像是两个女的唱的重复最多的是i dont care i love it,glee里也出现过 Care is care.Dont love is not love 语法错误么?rt I love you ,and don`t care who know it!Love is all there is!这句话的中文是什么意思 Give Tom some apples,please.同义句Give Tom some apples,please.and I like red best同义句 Give me some glasses please的同义句vn Please give Tom a pencil.(改为同义句)Please give a pencils to Jim.问:能把to改为for吗?为什么? mend your l watch tom can me red please apples give some the l other mike think is room 组成句子1.mend your l watch tom can and2.me red please apples give some 3、the l other mike think is room please give this pen to Tom改成同义句. 英语翻译可是你说你提了一些问题用红色标记?在哪?是不是忘写了? 英语翻译1、我喜欢看书,《名侦探柯南》是我从小学都一直喜欢的书,而三毛和沈从文的书是我从初中才接触并一直在看的书.相比较看电子书,我喜欢纸张带来的书中的那种神圣而有触感的感 It has been a long time __ after ___I saw you last time.不过我总觉得since用上去也不错吧?用after错么?如果我自己做,我大多只会选since. 帮我看看英文名合不合适这个成么一个长名字?Thomas·ken·apollo托马斯·肯·阿波罗我感觉不错,帮我说说成么,