
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 02:14:50
(-1x1/2)+(-1/2x1/3)+(-1/3x1/4)+.+(-1/2007x1/2008)+(-1/2008X1/2009)怎么算? 0.125除以8化成分数是多少 碎裂的砖块、水泥板重重的砸了下来,楼房塌陷了.省略号的作用是 我家想在农村建一层120平方米的三房两厅的房子.请问需要多少水泥.砖块.钢材..之类的呢.Q252818637谢 “碎裂的砖块、水泥板重重的砸下来,楼房塌陷了.”中的省略号省略了什么 (1)2005x²-(2005x²-1)x-2005 证明:三角形的中位线所构成的小三角形(中点三角形)面积是原三角形面积的四分之一 2005x^2-(2005^2-1)x-2005用换元法解 如何证明三角形的中位线所构成的小三角形(中点三角形)面积是原三角形面积的四分之一.希望有图~~ 英语选择题, 大家帮尽快 We have had so many expenses this year that we shall have to __a holiday.a.put off b.hold up c.do without d.go about 选哪个 尤其A/B之间 到底什么区别 A;who are the first people ( ) the moon?B;Americansa.to visit b.visted c.visit 1.This is the first time astronomers__the whole process of a black hole__a star,from its first to nearly final bites.a)see,eat b)have seen,eating c)saw,eaten d)had seen,eat2.A team of Japanese scientists have found a gene closely__to nicotine addicti 1.Come on ,Sue Here's _____ about the English speech contest .A.something useful B.anything specialC.nothing exciting2.I want to ask you about your _____ in China.A.visitB.visitingC.to visit D.visits3.The maths problem in too difficultA.Many students 农用3层住宅钢筋、砂石、水泥砖块用量一、二层为11.7*13.9m,三层为11.7*11.8m.层高一层为3.6m,2、3层为3m.你还想知道什么 不清楚么. 会的快来!只要第12题 谁有陕西2009化学竞赛的试题?跪求! 陕西省化学竞赛时间? 】全国高中学生化学竞赛(陕西赛区)试题要2008、2009、2010、2011这几年的陕西省化学竞赛初赛试题!,【有多少年的给多少!陕西卷的越多越好啊!】【【【苦逼学生党,只有15分了全送了…实在穷困 三个英语选择题1.I feel very happy that I ___ to be the monitor.A.am chosen B.was chosen2.____ with football,volleyball is more popular among girls.A.Compared B.Comparing C.Compare3.Remember to ask her to call me back.A.Never mind B.T 三个英语选择题.急It is _____ to think more of yourself than others,I think.A generousB activeC selfishD modestIt's _____ of you to tell the jokes.A great funnyB very funC real funD very funnyI'll thank ____ Tom ______ his help最后一个的 南极地区、温带地区、赤道地区的气温范围分别是多少?最高和最低气温分别是多少?上地理课用, 世界上最大和最小的生物是什么? 世界上哪种生物最小 世界上哪种生物最小 世界上最小的生物 --Would you mind my taking a message to him?--________,A.Yes,please.B.No,thanks.C.It's very kind of you.D.Of course not.本人纠结的部分主要就是B啊。为什么不可以说不介意,毕竟他帮我带了口信啊? 1.I often see your parents______on the playground in the morning.A.run B.ran C.running D.to run.2.___were Chongqong"s road ___in the past.A.what,/ B.what,like C.how,/ D.how,like 3.There___a small shop naer our school,but now there is a beautiful gard 一道英语选择题,亲爱的朋友们大家帮帮忙吧.Many parent,( )children frequently chat with their friends before sleep,turn to teachers for help?A.their B.whose C.of them D.of whom (1) A、B两车从相距100km的两个车站同时(同一个时间)同向(同一个方向)出发,匀速前进,当A车遇上B车时,A、B两车①所用的时间相同,②所行路程相同,③A车比B车多行100km,④A车比B车少行100 求05—08全国初中数学、物理、化学竞赛试题预赛和复赛的都要,06--08就可以了 09年化学竞赛进入初赛之后是不是要靠数学,英语RT我问的是要不要考试,不是靠,打错了 都有最好,只有一份或只是一份中的一部分也可以,