
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 00:47:55
生命是一场幻觉用英语怎样说 推荐几个词语帮助选购电子词典的要对比哪个电子词典词汇解释比较全的话有没有几个单词可以判断的呢就是说有没有几个单词解释差异比较大的可以直接体现出词典解释的好坏 求高手翻译成英文:年龄是生命的长度,学识是生命的密度,意志是生命的强度,梦想是生命的高度 新目标八年级上册英语第七单元 self check 2 的作文 (制作北京烤鸭)80词以上.速度回复. 把我没填上的填上! 没填的填上, 把我没填上的填上, 帮我把没填的填上, 帮忙把所有没填的填了, 三到英语填空题求解答The clavichord has been _______ my family's possession for B.for D.byWould you like to ________the risk of going to the island with me?A.take C.make D.getThere was______noise outside that we couldn't 小金鱼怎么写 描写小金鱼的生活习性 一道关于线段垂直平分线的问题如图,已知AB=AC,∠A=40°,AB的垂直平分线交AC于E,交AB于D,三角形ABE和三角形EBC的周长分别为50cm和30cm,求三角形ABC的各边长。 Look!This is Anna's room.A TV sae and a pictuie book is on the tabie The toy car___ near the toy __what's on the bed?Oh.there is a toy on it.A cat is on the stool and her dog is on the quilt. look at my pixture.______nixe!ls this your house?____,it is.look.___a table near the house.填空 孟加拉虎的变异虎种是什么? 三个土字组在一起读什么上面一个土,下面两个土 一个不和一个用组在一起念什么字啊 A computer costs nearly 5,000 yuan,but I have saved ( ) 800 yuan.A.not more than more than 选B.为什么? 1、So ( )homework really makes the students ( ) tired.A.many;feel B.much;feel C.many ;to D.much;to feelD.much;to feel不对吗 1) we need at l____ twenty workers 2)many students feel s____ and tired in the afternoon3) volunteering is a good e_____ for our future jobs4) the nurse is teaching the young mother how to get her baby ____(dress) 谁有人教版三至六年级的的英语下册教案,要全英文版的,急用! 什么材质的水杯好呢? 宝字盖的所有字宀有关的所有字谁能提供 Ricky said sorry to Kitty because he was getting ready for h___ the charity show he had manyd___ to do during the show so he had no time to write a letter to her . The main task for him was i__ each star to the audience he kept on p__ looking at t 水杯什么材质好? 什么材质水杯好 儿童水杯什么材质好? 火字加一个显念什么 两个火字头,加一个安去掉一点,如上 茅屋为秋风所破歌诗中描写诗人屋漏又遭连夜雨惨状的诗句是 形容心烦意乱的诗句最好是比较隐晦的,不是一眼就能看出心烦意乱的