
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 05:54:49
what did you say your name was?这句话翻译成“你叫什么名字?”有点不妥吧,我怎么觉得was 应该改成is呢 you will shoot via a toscanini 32 wovara italia 意大利的地址翻译成中文 有什么区别 come back→be back;come here→be here;close→be closed那么come back 是返回be back 就是 来的状态? Hurry up!You are being wanted on the phone .改错 亲.求泰勒的come back be here 空间链接 shoot just forget me 请问鲁迅的《祝福》采用什么记叙顺序 请问这里的shoot是什么意思,But given our attorney’s advice,in my mind,I thought,“Shoot,if I’m not going to prison,the business is starting to take off,I can pay this off over a few years.” That was what my thinking was. shoot 是什么意思啊?拜托了各位 谢谢快告诉我! shoot什么意思? SHOOT的汉语意思 shoot at 和shoot区别是什么》 the ideals and practices of child rearing wary from culture to culture . 这句话怎么译码呀. 关于Theory of Culture一书书名:Theory of Culture作者:Richard Münch and Neil J.Smelser请问这本书有中译本吗?没时间看原著了,想直接看中文译本,尤其是上过这课的人帮个忙,最好一周之内, THEORY OF CULTURE CHANGE怎么样 什么是organizational culture Mr li,you_____on the phone() A.are wanted B.were wanted C.are being wanted D.will be wanted 理由 英语翻译是tied..确定是厌烦吗? 英语翻译这是一个造船厂部门经理的名称,不知道怎么翻译最贴切, 英语翻译BEING A REPRINT FROM THE REMINISCENCES OFJOHN H.WATSON,M.D.,LATE OF THE ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 中LATE OF THE ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT是什么意思? 如果一个句子里只出现if那么谓语动词应该用什么时态 What if 引导的句子用什么时态? 越南有没有一部法律叫做The Law of Vietnam具体是什么法? The wall of VIETNAM remembered 是什么意思 who can tell me the culture of ZTE the Tet offensive of 1968 in Vietnam 是我在新闻里看到的,是布什在对战争的反省是说的 l should learn to be strong怎么读 请问《I learn to be strong》快要结束时的那段英语歌叫什么名字呀? I want to learn to be strong and independent ,but not dependent on others. what subjects ate you studying?a.yes,i'm studying historyb.i'm doing my homeworkc.i'm suydying philosophy