
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:43:57
为什么只能用that?He think it is our education system instead of English learning_______makes students as busy as bees. that在这里做什么?it is because of its caffeine content that coffee often gives us a "lift" 求个很简单的导函数,函数f(x)=X - 根号(X²+1)求f(x)的导函数,因为本人现在高一刚刚预习导函数, 已知实数a,b ,c,d使得方程(x+a)(x+b)-24=(x+c)(x+d)对于一切实数均成立,那么代数式a2+b2+c2+d2+ab+cd-4a-4b+8c+8d+10取到最小值时,a+b+c+d=?急!!!!!!!!!速度! 速求一个很简单的导函数求x平方除以4的导函数,根号3乘以x的导函数 已知:a,b为实数,关于x的方程x²-(a-1)x+b+3的一个实根为a+1.(1)用含a的代数式表达b;(2)求代 30分.好的追5分.已知点O(0,0)A(2,2)B(3,-1),C为一动点满足向量OC=向量OA+m向量AB,m∈R已知点O(0,0)A(2,2)B(3,-1),C为一动点满足向量OC=向量OA+m向量AB,m∈R(1)当向量AB=2向量BC时,求m的值.(2)当点C在线段AB 关于THAT在这里的用法选择题The population of India if smaller than ___of china that但是为什么呢?为什么不是IT that在这里是什么用法?可不可以去掉?Ms.Mbogo said she had become frustrated because the donor groups that provide substantial aid to Kenya's rural areas "did not want to come here". that在这里是什么句型,什么用法?That they might maintain their liberty,and be truly free in spirit,they reduced their daily needs to the lowest possible point. maya如何让一个物体中心点随另外一个物体运动.或者,当物体运动时,他的中心点却保持不动. maya 做一边另一边跟着动 若k为实数 则k乘以向量a=0向量 则k=0 或向量a=0向量 如果k≠0,且向量a≠0,那么k乘以向量a的长度表示为/ka向量/ 带思字的成语有哪些 (k-入)乘以向量a+向量b乘以(1-入k)=0,已知向量a与向量b不共线.为什么联立方程组得k-入=0,1-入k=0,k=正负1.越详细越好, Maya的点线面基本操作,怎么弄啊 Maya的点线面控制的是什么? 玛雅显示点线面的数量在视图上显示 选中的多边形的点线面的数量的命令在哪里来着? 强字有哪些成语 强字成语有哪些 带植物的成语 英语翻译In general,matters which lie entirely within the state boundaries arethe ____ concern of the state government.A) extensive B) excluding C) excessive D) exclusive 英语翻译— I’ ll help you prepare for the party on Wednesday.— Please don’t _.My sisters have promised to help me.A.promise B.annoy C.bother Ddisturb 已知a×b=150,并且a比5=x比b,求x 求过点(3,-2,1)且与直线7X-3Y-Z-6=0、X+Y+2Z=11平行的直线方程 八进制转化成五进制 将八进制1072化成五进制怎么算 A:The sound of all that traffic is driving me out of my mind.B:It is bad.But the highway will reopen tomorrow.Then we won’t have all those cars passing by any more.What does the woman imply?(A) She thinks the man should drive to town.(B) She likes 把“五进制”的231转化为“八进制” 如图,四边形ABCD的对角线AC、BD相交于点O,EF过点O且与AB分别相交于点E、F,求证OE=OF. 求过点M(2,-1,-1)且与平面x-3y+4z+1=0平行的平面方程,给我点过程. 成语里带“思”字的有哪些