
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 20:34:17
“原来这一切只是个梦”用英语怎么说? 形容一个人认真,做事仔细用哪个英语单词?有哪些名词?如careful的名词形式是什么? 形容认真的词语比如 聚精会神 要注意的英语单词(⊙_⊙)?fish是不是可数名词复数(⊙_⊙)? ^_^o~ 努力!告诉我答案吧仅限两天 名词“爱好”的英语单词,还有“努力”的各个单词(分别讲出类型、如.名、动词)大神们帮帮忙 描写工作认真的词语急用描写工作认真的成语 奋斗的英语单词,不是句子 我很喜欢英语,上课也很专心听讲,但是我就是记不住英语单词,学过的英语单词也忘完了,我想知道怎样提高英语,怎样记住英语单词和单词的意思 尝试/努力 英语单词 英语单词拼写 是怎么做啊 还有个提示我不懂 啊啊啊啊 举个例子some students often have their specific 空格【提示:suggest】 这种问题是什么 怎么做啊 一个商务英语词汇stuff discount这个次的字面意思是员工折扣我不明白的是,何为员工折扣?是指员工买公司内部产品可享受的优惠折扣,还是指员工卖了公司的产品从中可抽取的折扣额呢?抑或别 英语翻译1.onboard entertaiment2.countersign a claim3.additional holiday4.additional cash5.retail voucher6.childcare voucher7.company car8.bulk discount 商务礼仪的 会议接待礼仪 爸爸过生日送什么礼物好呢 爸爸过生日,送什么礼物好?我是一个高中生,没有能力买奢侈品,去年买过打火机就不买了,烟碟也不用买,烟酒都不用买,他也不打领带也不用买,手表皮带也不用买,送什么呢? 给父母送什么礼物好 和父母一起做什么事 英语单词 英语单词中出现了é 英语几道适当词填空,快速采纳在线等给好评! 初中英语五道是适当词填空, 初中英语四道适当词填空, 初中英语五道适当词填空, 初三英语五道适当词填空, 几道英语题(用所给词的正确形式填空)1.There are a lot of_____(dictionary)in the bookstore.2.What are_____(that)over there?3.His friends_____(English)4.My friends_____(be)at school.5.He has two___________(pencil sharpener)in his ba 几道英语缺词填空(1)On his way b______(2)When he r___ home he helped his parents.(3)He c____ supper and cleaned the house. 几道英语 ,缺词填空 (1)Einstein was a g______ admirer of Charles Chaplin's films.(2)He said,"your film" The modern times" everyone in t____ world can understand.(3)you'll c_____ become a great man.(4)Charles Chaplin w____ ,"I admire you ev 几道英语缺词填空,John did w_____ at school.He e____ sitting in lectures,listening to the lecture and taking notes. 英语缺词填空when friends come to visit us in the evening ,they spend their time t___ us that they are in a hurry and looking at their watches .It isn't that o___ friends are all busy .It is just that we haven't g___ a television .People think t 英语缺词填空,急Mother duck is l 1 on her eggs and eagerly(焦急地) w _2_ for them to come out. A few minutes later, her b __3___come out. They stand up by themselves. There are 5 of them. They l 4__ so lovely, she thinks. Then mother duck an 英语几道适当词填空快速采纳在线等. 用适当词填空 英语Teenagers get cigarettes ______ ,especially when their parents smoke or shop...(看不清一两个字母,有可能没有,印刷不好)______ cigarettes to them.It‘s very important ______ parents to help their children stop 英语用适当的词填空