
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 20:53:06
人为财死,鸟为食亡这句成语出自什么年代 right now用不用将来时 人为财死,鸟为食亡的含义代表什么? these hair clips were kitty's(对划线部分提问)划线部分是kitty's—— —— —— were these 关于莫扎特小夜曲的疑问小夜曲我记得明明是浪漫时期的体裁,莫扎特是古典乐派中期的代表,怎么会写出那首脍炙人口的小夜曲呢? do you mind of i sit here?a not at allb sorry,but i soc certainly notd all of the above 麦迪~退役了 2301047785 求学习英语的好友 一起奋斗哦 Are you Jim?怎么回答No,后面怎么说No,__ __.一空一词 他的钢笔是黑色的吗?Is __ __ 初中英语long和far的区别Li Hua jumped ( ) in the long jump.He won the game.A.longestB.farthestC.highestD.tallest求A,B选项的区别 long和far有什么区别、 分析上海世博会发展新理念的辩证唯物论的依据. Other cultures come to us in many different ways connect with the taeget fail中文意思是什么? medieval preoccupation with theological doctrine,其中preoccupation 与 involvement 意思相近, I would like to go to Beijing this year ,but i have not made a final miastake 应该吧mistake 改为 decision 回答对有奖励 Are you Jim?错在哪 Are you Jim(作肯定回答) ___,___ ___. 能量流动具有单向性,是由于生物与生物之间吃与被吃的关系是不可逆的,对吗,为什么 2010年夏天为什么这么热如题.今年为啥这么热啊? 2010年的夏天还要热多久? 你认为2010年夏天会很热吗? 英语翻译启竹而试之,绝无半点焦意.怎么翻译? ___published fifty years ago, his work still attracts much attention at present.A. As B. Though C. Apart from D. Despite 2014年闰九月,是否会影响气候(即意味着今年夏天更长)? Miss Li wants to meets my parents. 吉尼斯纪录的英语怎么拼?英语啊.. Keeping healthy is much ______(important) Yesterday was my birthday.As bf\efore.I got a lot of gifts,and I wasn't escited.Instead,改错Yesterday was my birthday.As before.I got a lot of gifts,and I wasn't excited.Instead,I felt boring .At this time ,Mom comes in .She sat beside me and said, He ___(cough) day and nigth.三单要添什么啊?是“s" 还是“es" He has a cough and goes to hospital. (换种说法,意思不变) He has a cough and ________________ 急! 关于语文的文化早餐就是上讲台去讲一些关于语文的知识 我还没想好要讲什么 麻烦各位大大帮忙想想像什么介绍一首诗词 文化常识 或者关于语文的有趣的东西都行 马上就轮到我了 跪 How important is keeping healthy to you?为什么用to 不用for 可以换成for吗?他们在这方面有什么详细区别吗? And I right? 是什么意思?谢谢!