
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 04:40:09
汉译英:让林涛带你到周围转转 Let Lin Tao show ____ ____还有一题:你可以读这些书中的任何一本。You can read ____ ____the books. 林涛需要买一辆自行车.Lin Tao ______ ______ ______ a new bike 翻译:林涛放学回家后就看电视.Lin tao watches TV after he ()()()() 还有:她的饮食习惯很卫生 你知道林涛昨天出了什么事?do you know __ __ __ lin tao yesterday? 求一个主语+动词+it+宾补+定语+状语的英语例句 这句英语"nice to meet you. 尼日利亚局势如何?气候怎样? 请问要在尼日利亚工作需要注意什么?那的消费高吗?气候怎么样?希望了解尼日利亚的朋友多多帮忙.尼日利亚的消费高吗?气候怎么样?主要带什么样的衣服?说的越详细越好? 尼日利亚全年天气 尼日利亚5-6月份的具体气候如何有朋友要过去打工,在那边呆两个月时间,是做工人的.在那边要注意什么呢,5-6月份气候怎么样请问具体温度是多少呢,最高几度,最低几度 尼日利亚和肯尼亚这两个国家都有的气候类型是?A热带稀树草原气候带B热带雨林气候 C热带沙漠气候D热带季风气候 求外研社英语 选修7的全部单词和短语本人想知道外研社版高二下学期的英语单词和短语, 外研社英语必修4重点单词短语 求一份天津专用的外研社高中英语必修三单词、短语表!单词表是必须有的.短语有最好.有书的直接把书拍下来就行.拍照的话求前三单元课文.有书的举手之劳.求帮助.邮箱koudaibaijin@163.com,寒假 there are many nice things tosee and to do.翻译 what about going to attending his birthday party tomorrow?that will depend on my work,but it()be a suitable time for me.a must b should cmight d will what should I wear to attend Mary's birthday party?Dress _______you like.A.what B.how C.whatever D.however选什么,为什么,谁答的详细,分数就给谁呀! 尼日利亚国家气候怎样 A:_____?B:l'm thinking about what to get for my mom .Tomorrow is her birthday. 尼日利亚的气候? Ⅰ.1.wear hear pear中,哪个发音不同?2.climb lamb ball中,哪个发音不同?3.girl nurse sister中,哪Ⅰ.1.wear hear pear中,哪个发音不同?2.climb lamb ball中,哪个发音不同?3.girl nurse sister中,哪个发音不同?Ⅱ.1.open(同 I'm a girl.My sister is Gina.(合为一句话) _____and I____sister.对了,在sister后面还有一个s啊。 how does your father go to work every day?he usually _____ .how does your father go to work every day?he usually _____A.walk B.by bus C.taking a taxi D.drives a car How long does it take your father__to work every day?About half an hourA drive B driving C to drive D drives 有哪首英文歌中有一句歌词是It's so nice to know you are here(好像是吧) 1.paul is very k___.He likes to help other people.2.Baseball is a p___ sport in the USA3.First,you need to cut two p___ of bread4.Christmas is a f___ on December 25th5.The movie is so ____[精彩的]6.Today I am very busy,but she is ____[有空的]7. Nice to see you here之后要说什么 She is very helpful.she likes to help (othen others)选other还是选others He likes to help others .He often gives money to poor people .He is very g___ Jim is ready to help others .he is very h____. I don't know ------it today.1.what to do 2.how to do 3.to do what 4.to do how I DO not know ( ) it today A What to do B how to do C to do what