
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 20:22:50
EXCEL百分比平均值公式单元H36(百分比)H5:H35格式为百分比,求H5:H35的平均值(忽略零值) 求一行百分比的平均值44.57%23.55%35.79%34.28%29.41%29.25%21.48%33.61%27.93%26.59%比如要在后面加一个平均值,那怎么计算? 在有很多同位素时怎么样按各同位素所占百分比求得的平均值来作为这个元素的原子量 There is no sign on the wall.的同义句是 几题数学题、、、、 (9 21:59:10)1、一个人正在玩一种娱乐游戏机,开始时他口袋里有一些钱.在开始5分钟内,他很幸运,将他原来的钱翻了一倍,但是在第二个5分钟里,他输了2英镑.在第三个5分钟内 I love dogs because they necer ( )and they are grateful. 多项式6x²-2x+3是_______次_____项式,其中二次项是____,一次项的系数是______,常数项是____ Because they're fall in love 有语法错误吗? 解一次函数与二元一次方程组一定要画图像来解吗?不画图像可以吗?比如方程组{2x-y=7,3x+y=8这道题不画图像怎么解? 一次函数与二元一次方程组的关系:解方程组相当于求_____的值和_____的值,从形的角度看,解方程组相当于求两直线_____的坐标 用算数法 222222222 (31 21:2:15)假设有足够多的各种面值的硬币,让两个人轮流在圆桌上摆硬币,每次摆一个,硬币间不能互相重叠.也不能又一部分在桌面边缘之外.这样经过多次以后,谁先摆不下硬币就算输. 已知函数f(x)=2ax的三次方-6x的平方+3-2/a已知函数f(x)=2ax-6x+3-2/a对于实数a>0,若曲线y=f(x)上两点A、B处得切线都与x轴平行,且线段AB与x轴有公共点,求a的取值范围(要详细的具体过程) 已知定义域在(-1,1)上的函数是fx上是减函数,且f(a-1)d>(2a),求a的取值范围 If you love someone,let them go.If they return,they were always yours.If they don't,they never were. they 和them与your和yours的关系一样吗,是否都是主宾格关系 his parents love____,but they donot play them.(sport,sports) There are two boys______(talk) under the tree. They always listen to them () high volumeA.in B.on C.at D.among There are ( )under the tree A.three Chinese B.three Chineses C.three sheeps D.three Germen they don't like the naughty boy because he always k___ them.单词填写,急. There are two boys_____(sit) under the big tree There are three children play under the tree.(改正错误) he`s a little bit____,but we like him very much.he is very ____in our team.英语填空 用比例解,算术解都要 第六题用解例比例和算术方法解 They are my good friends改为单数句 There is a boy (under the big tree).就括号里的提问. There is a boy (standing){ under a big tree}?是不是现在进行时?并分别以( ){ }里内容进行提问. There is a boy under the tree,怎样改为疑问句 We must make our planet much ( ) beautiful .写出原因 We must make our planet greener.(看英文总结重点.)列举出来.例:1、…… 2、…… ……