
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 00:20:30
What s your mother like?要怎么回答? 要与众不同的 模仿例句改写下列句子..Example:She cooks every day.(yesterday)→She cooked meals yesterday.1.The boy wants a dog like than one.(a week ago)2.The old man dances in the Park every day.(two hours ago)3.I am going to meet my friend at the bus s 带有眼的四字词语一定要有眼 模仿例句改写句子例句:John is watches television every day.(if)→I want to know if Jhon watches television every dayJake is reading(what)___________________________________________________________.还有…… 含“眼”字的四字词语 模仿例句改写以下句子例句1:Put on your coat 改:I am going to put it on.句子:1) Turn on the taps 2) Turn off the light 3) Turn on the lights 4) Turn off the television 5) Turn off the lights 6) Turn on the stereo 仿照例句,改写句子例:人人都说杭州西湖是个美丽的地方.没有人不说杭州西湖是个美丽的地方.人们怎么会不说杭州西湖是个美丽的地方呢?1.我是个优秀的少先队员.( )( )2.同学们的集 建国60周年祖国科技的发展最好文字多一点 我的血统各是几分之几?我是多国混血吧?我爷爷有挪威和印度的血统,奶奶有荷兰和保加利亚,英国的血统。我外公有伯利兹和泰国的血统,我外婆有澳大利亚,罗马尼亚,外蒙古,中国的 哈利波特里的纯血统是怎么定义的?混血是巫师与麻瓜,泥巴种父母双方都是麻瓜,纯血里,讲到父母双方都是巫师,但是对于出身有更严格的要求么?比如其中一方是混血或泥巴种,虽然也是巫师, see a play和see an opera有何区别? Beijing Opera is a _____ play,______?京剧是传统的戏剧,不是吗? 一个钟表的分针长10厘米,这根分针走了45分钟时,针尖所走的路程是多少厘米? 钟表的分针长20厘米,经过30分钟后,分针的针尖走了多少厘米?经过45分钟后,分针扫过的面积是多少? 某钟表的分针长15厘米 (1)从3时到3时45分,分针针尖走过了多少厘米?(2)从3时到3时45分,分针扫过的面积? 钟表的分针长20厘米,这根分针行走60分钟,它的针尖所走的距离是多少厘米为什么不可以乘于60 what are you doing?是什么意思初中英语 what you are doing 看清楚,不是what are you doing now是what you are doing now What are you doing? 以《二十年后回故乡》为题写一篇作文. 描写眼睛动作的四字词语 30个. 求:二十年后的( ) 作文一篇400字,不许抄别人的,写的好我再加20分 眼睛来不及看 的四字词语是什么? 某钟表的分针长10厘米,分针从1时到2时分针针尖走过了多少厘米? 某钟表的分针长10cm.从1时到2时,分针针尖走过了多少厘米?从1时到2时,分针扫过的面积是多少平方厘米?某钟表的分针长10cm. 英语:根据例句完成句子,如题:1.A salesgirl works in a store.She helps people to buy things.2.A______teaches students in a school.3.A______works on a farm.4.A______look after patients in a hospital.5.A______cooks foot in a restaurant.6.A 模仿例句把两个句子改为条件状语从句(英语)实在是不会了1.what will he do if he doesn't sell his old car?He won't buy a new one.2.what will he do if she doesn't type the letter?Type it himself.3.what will you do if you are il 有谁能把 C H W M L 这几个字母组成一个单词啊 不准造词! 关于学习用品作文300字 "a""c""t""h""c"这几个字母可以组成什么词? 某钟表的分针长10厘米、1:从1时到7时,分针针尖走过多少厘米?2:从1时到2时,分针扫过的面积是多少平方