
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/16 23:38:36
如何自己修改托福作文?自己写的作文思路已经是成型的了,如何在修改时优化自己的句子或词汇,比较纠结 这可能是亚晶粒吗 为什么细胞凋亡是正常的生理现象 细胞凋亡是一种自然的生理过程,与基因无关 这句话怎么错了 帮我看看我的托福作文吧 What discovery in the last 100 years has been most beneficial for people in you country Use specific reaso nand examples to support your choice.The recet years have seen the profound changes of people’s daily lives 玻璃怎样做旧 大侠帮忙看看这篇托福作文能得几分A recent research on Chinese campus shows that more than sixty percent of Chinese university students do part-time jobs when they are free.Some educators may argue that part-time jobs distract students 排山倒海,势不可挡造句 S+V+IO+DO; S+V+DO+OC结构的句子用S+V+IO+DO; S+V+DO+OC写四句有联系的话,各两句, 写出下列句子的结构,急用!按照 S+V S+V+P S+V+DO S+V+IO+DO S+V+DO+OC 请简述各题用法her aunt can`t find my passport . 2.the boss makes the workers work all day . 3.the trees turn green . 4.some birds are happily 找出句子中的主谓宾,并说出是 IO DO OC PA PN.1.since everyone was hungry,dad's suggestion about eating sounded wonderful.2." there is s small creek just beyond those maple trees" Dad said as he wrestled the grill grom the back of the van " 如何证明连接三角形的内切圆的三个切点所构成的三角形是锐角三角形 奢侈是什么意思 奢侈是什么意思?谢谢 谁能解释(奢华)究竟如何定义? 奢华,究竟如何定义? 玻璃是固体的吗?今天听BOSS说玻璃其实不算是固体的,应该是液体的.听了以后好纳闷的,也不知道是不是真的,所以上来征求一下大家的说法,嘻嘻. 求求大家帮我看看托福作文 求求你们了Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space (for example,traveling to the Moon and to other planets).Other people disagree and think government should 判断下列句子的种类:1.S+V;2.S+V+O;3.S+V+P;4.S+V+INO+DO;5.S+V+O+OC. 伤仲永 阅读答案造成仲永前后变化的主要原因是什么 起步时车轮打滑好还是不打滑好? 英语的句子结构判断,就是S+V+O的那种 总共有S+V,S+V+O,S+V+P,S+V+IO+DO.S+V+DO+OC.①you look nice.②i love reading.③the cat makes me happy.④he often gives me some advice..⑤she id dancing.⑥i can hear him singing in the next door. 三角形内切圆与三边的切点的连线段是什么三角形,为什么,速度 如何证明三角形的内切圆中切点连起来的图形是等边三角形 三角形内切圆和两边的切点的连线与它所对的边平行吗?麻烦说的详细点 英语d与t,g与k这些音的浊化问题在什么情况下t读d,k读g?我记得有3对,还有一对是什么?最重要的是发音规则随便是复制还是自己写的,能让我懂就行像礼物 gift 这种词,是读g的音还是k的音?为 什么是英语浊化音 关于英语浊化我在百度知道上看见这样一种说法:1.不管英音还是美音,/s/音后面的清辅音一定浊化,如:sky,aesthetic2.在美音中,除个别单词外,一般的好音节(就是指辅音加元音的音节)都可以 奢侈到底是什么意思? 呼喊是爆发的沉默中的呼喊与沉默矛盾吗?为什么 Since the road is wet this morning,---------last night.A it must rain B it must have rainde C it must be raining D it must have been raining 对真理沉默等于为谬误呼喊 何意!谬误 就是错误的意思咯