
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/31 07:09:43
What restaurants were there 的意思 Were there any sharks? if there were no 有类似always getting over you的音乐吗轻松的吟唱 让人愉悦 喜欢always getting over you里面那 dadada的哼唱 选择单词适当形式填空go 、friend 、think about、 have great fun、put1.Please tru( )more good things when you're sad.2.We( )in the park yesterday.3.Is Henry( )to you at school?4.The Green family ( )up the Christmas tree tomorrow.5.The old 选择单词适当的形式填空spend enjoy easy money air climb free road1、Jim usually______an hour playing basketball every Saturday.2、There are lots of cars on the____today.3、I don't have lots of_____to buy that skirt.4、Look!Your brother 选择适当的单词形式填空.1,They were(填)bythis(填)news..(astonish,astonishing,astonished) 2.Lin Qiaozhiwas a(填)inwome,sillnesses(specialize,specialist)3.With this(填),he thought of anotherb plan .(discovery,discover).4,He didn,t think h 选择适当的单词的形式填空1.They_________ (see) the film Titanic.They__________ (say) they liked it very much.2.If you don’t hurry up,you ___________ (be) late for school.3.My brother always_______ (try) his best to do everything,he is a 选择适当词语的适当形式填空slice good lucky ill west who win visit different talk nation she little invite America1.In China October 1st is (National) day.2.Many () come to Mount Tai every year3.--With () will they go there? ----Tom always getting over 这是什么植物,英文名是什么? “由于激烈的竞争和生活压力的加大,越来越多的人出现忧郁,等一些心里疾病”最完美的英语翻译是什么 张韶涵的欧若拉开头几句非中文的语言是什么意思 《三峡》文章末尾引用渔者的歌词,其作用是 有一张纸,第一次把它割成4片,第二次把其中的一片分割成4片,以后每一次都把前面所得的其中得一片分割成4 许多学生想成为北京奥运会志愿者.翻译英语 英文连词组句;people for walk after many go supper a after supper 仅这两个词的意思 () you ()out for a walk after supper Yes,I().A.Did…went…wentB.Did… go… wentC.Did… went… didD.Did… go… did 英语三级分ab卷么 英语A级分ab卷吗 连词成句 sweater,a,the,larger,wants,doesn't,man,he 记者的比喻义 人体比喻义 通常使用比喻义的成语及其比喻义 51talk无忧英语的广告看到好多了啊,不知道这家教学怎么样?真的都是外籍老师吗? 希腊神话,罗马神话里的海的女神分别是谁?问的是“女”神,有这个女神吗? 推荐几个英语教的好的老师~51talk的~ 51talk无忧英语教学有什么特色么? 51Talk无忧英语的教学有什么特点么? 明天将公开课,讲介词to,这个知识点是把它译为“.的”,the trip to Africa可以翻译成非洲之旅吗?to有什么含义,讲课时to该怎么讲? 英语Fly是什么意思? 谁能告诉我下!