
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 16:49:06
The strength,the beauty,the enormous wingspan of these creatures suggests to me the musculature of a male dancer more readily than a ballerina in her white tutu 求统计学里数据类型的变量分类及举例,如:品质变量,顺序变量,分类变量等等 一个函数求导的条件 统计学(应用统计学)第1题 判断题 样本均值的数学期望恰好等于总体方差.( ) 正确 错误 第2题 判断题 显著性水平是假设检验中判断样本统计量与总体参数是否有显著差异的标准.( ) 正确 对一2元2次函数求导 如果等于0说明什么 对其继续求导结果大于0又说明什么?这在高中学过 时间太长忘了 现在做概率论用到这个东西了 所以问下 麻烦知道的赐教下 学应用统计学只能考统计部门的公务员吗? 同性恋用英文怎么说 同性恋英文怎么说 英文来的.I don’t have th strength to stay away from you anymore.Only for making me want you so badly.You are my only one. 英文来的 AnD thSe FeeLinGs Run deeP.Oh Baby itRy to HidE.All theSe FeelinGs foR You.i keeP thEm BattleD inSide.i Don't knOw What Else To do.So i Cry And noBody HeaRs Me.i Cry. 若不等式(a-2)x^2+2(a-2)x-4 统计学简答题 反映总体集中趋势的指标有哪些 统计学中总体有几个特征? 有关统计学变量的问题1)Y=X^2,x是()2)测量误差可能是()A连续变量 B确定性变量C离散变量 D随机变量D不是变量哪位朋友给我讲一下这题~我要正确答案与解析,谢谢你了~急1,2题的选项都是 hot,therer,the,is,weather,summer,in,very(连词成句) the,hot,weather,and,sunny,is连词成句 手机卡密码能修改成英文密码吗?只能是数字吗 函数y=lg(x减2)的定义域是?急 函数f(x)的定义域为(a,b),且b-a>2,则F(x)=f(3x-1)-f(3x+1)的定义域 In summer,the weather is usually very hot,and Ican swim in the sea. usually ,summer,this,very,is,in,place,hot 连词成句 Nanjing hot summer usually it's very in in 连词成句 不等式(m^2+3m-2)4^x<1+2^x对x∈(-∞,0)时恒成立,则实数m的取值范围,要有过程,谢谢. 继续提问,如果我爸给他兄弟5人各15W(总归75W)来继承房子,那卖掉的时候差价能按75W来么? 继续提问哦In view of the small amount of this transaction, we have decided __ your D/P payment terms. a、accept b、 to accept c、 acceptable d、 accepted这个是固定搭配还是根据时态来判断的? _How is the weather in Chengdu _ A.Very will B._How is the weather in Chengdu _A.Very willB.That's fine C.It's warm D.It's best off all 1.The weather in Chengdu is very_____(rain)today.2.it_______(snow) heavily every day in shengzhen.look at the ______(sun)It's getting________(sun)now. The weather is very h_____ in summer 下列函数中,在其定义域内既是奇函数又是减函数的是()A,y=|x|(x属于R) B,y=1/x(x不等于0) C,y=x(x属于R) D,y=-x^3(x属于R)最好写出分析过程 y=f(x)在定义域[-2,2]上既是奇函数又是减函数,如果f(1-x)+f(2-3x) 下列函数中是奇函数,又在定义域内为减函数的是( )A.y=(1/2)的X次方 B.y=-1/x C.y=-x立方 D.y=log(以3为底)(-x)应该选哪一个,为什么呀 已知函数fx是定义在【-1,1】上的奇函数,且fx在定义域上是减函数,求函数y=f〔x-1〕定义域,若f[x-2]+f[x-1]