
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 09:53:58
穿越时光隧道,来到北宋东京城.想一想,你怎样改变自己的衣食住行,才能适应当时(200字至400字) 江苏计算机一级 用英语怎么说 急 计算机2级用英语怎么说 国家计算机二级证书用英语怎么说帮忙翻译下,谢 计算机二级用英语怎么说啊? 用英语描绘有关四季的对话要求四人对话,说出他们都说出自己喜欢什么季节,每人不少于三句,不要太简单.明天要交,越快越好! 用英语描绘有关四季的对话,两人对话说出自己喜欢什么季节,不要太简单. 帮我写有关四季的听英语对话(小学水平就行)写上五六句就行了,用A问B答的形式 英语翻译There was a jail with 100 cells in it,all in a long row.The warden was feeling very jolly one night and told his assistant that he wanted to give all the prisoners a surprise.While they were sleeping,he wanted the asistant to unlock all t 英语翻译1)problem statement:In your own words,state the problem clearly enough so that someone unfamiliar with the problem who picked up your paper could understand what it is you are asked to do.2) process-Describe how you went about solving t 英语翻译如下:Install:1) Install the application2) Copy bsc.dll to program's bin dir (overwrite file).3) Copy mocha.lic to用翻译软件的可以走了 假如我穿越时空隧道来到北宋东京城我怎么改变自己的衣食住行才能适应当时的生活 穿越时光隧道,来到北宋京城.想一想,怎样改变自己的衣食住行,才能适应当时人的生活? 英语好地来帮帮~把下列变成过去完成时 1when i returned home ,he __(leave) 2by ten yesterday everning,she ___(finishi)writing 3he __(study)Englishi for five yeas before he came here 4it __(stop)rainning when i wake up this morning 5i __ 一道初三英语选择性阅读题(完型填空), 假如你 是北宋时期的一个农村少年,一日来到汴京的一天 完型Last Tuesday I took my two daugters,aged five and seven,to town by car to go shopping.It began to rain__(1)__ so I decided to leave the children in the car before I went into a shop.I warned the girls not to __(2)__ anything in the car and told 经济的繁荣,商业的日渐活跃,使宋代城市颇具特色.假设你是生活在北宋东京城里的一个少年假设你是生活在北宋东京城里的一个少年,一日你走上街头,好好地感受了一番城市的繁华,直到晚上 初三英语完形填空和阅读理解该怎样做?要具体方法. 一位生活在北宋前期的都城东京的商人,可能经历的是:A,到“瓦舍”看精彩的杂技B,游览了敦煌莫高窟C,随身带“交子”D,友人送他一部《水浒传》abc都有可能是不是命错题了 四季的英文怎么写? 英语翻译 - How did you get to the airport?- I got my son ____ me there.A.drove B.drive C.driving D.to drive怎么选呢…get sb.to do好像是让某人做某事然后还没做吧?get sb.doing是让某人一直做某事吧?然后有get sb. 齐有南北官道的翻译 东海之大乐翻译 英语翻译东海中有流波山,入海七千里.其上有兽,状如牛,苍身而无角,一足,出入水则必风雨,其光如日月,其声如雷,其名曰夔.黄帝得之,以其皮为鼓,橛以雷兽之骨,声闻五百里,以威天下. 英语翻译东海钱翁以小家致富,欲卜居城中.或言菜房吉,众已偿价七百金,将售矣,亟欲图之.翁阅房,竟以千金成交.子弟曰:"此房业有成议,今骤增三百,得无溢乎?"翁笑曰:"非尔所知也,吾侪小人, 谁能给我全国英语一级的一些习题,只要历年的单项选择题我9月就要考了而且我想在暑假好好复习 Jane sits ____ Linda.She is just on my left.A.in front of B.behind C.opposite D.next to It's cold outside.please ______ the door.A.open B.not open C.don't open D.didn't open 为什么?我是选B的。但是很多人都选C。 we are supposed to hand in our composition tomorrowshall we do it ( ) later this week,say,Friday?A.sometime B.some time C.sometimes D.some times 实验小学邮政编码是多少